Same as always

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As I layed on his bed, my mom keeps yelling my name from the living until I finally give her a response and say ' I'm coming' I get to the living room, I'm surprised to see my uncle and his family all seated as if they're in a courtroom with each section of the court arguing and defending their political party representatives. As soon as I start greeting each of them, I soon become the topic to be discussed... My uncle then asks 'how school is?' knowing fully well we've been on strike for months, I tell him that school is going well and he quickly asks if I'm learning any skill during the compulsory mom steps in and says she doesn't know what to do with me anymore because I'm not serious with anything and I'm usually quick to lose interest in any activity.
  After answering each and every one of their questions I choose to go back inside and finish the adult film I was watching, but as I pick a new one to watch my data runs out and leaves me frustrated and full of regret for doing the same thing over and over again. I later head out of the room to bid them farewell in hopes of getting money to buy some data but I should be used to getting disappointed by everyone by now because they can't read my mind and I'm so timid to even ask. Later at night I try to turn on the generator but it makes me work hard to see our light bulb on and so I try to clean the plug of the generator cause that's the only thing I'm good at when it comes to fixing them but it proves to be dad later opens the door and asks how it's going and I give a frustrated and angry response without looking at him and keep on minding my business, he responds with an 'okay' and leaves which makes me even more frustrated because I really wanted him to at least want to give me a hand or help me hold the torch light but no, he goes back to sit in a dark Living room. My mom later comes in to check on me and I yell at her for checking in on me even though it hurts cause that yelling wasn't met for her but my dad...the generator later kicks start and the three bulbs in the entire house brightens up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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