Part 29

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"He's Scaping!!" 

Someone Shouted and sunoo immediately ran faster , he's in the middle of a forest that isn't really familiar to him , sunoo was really scared 


Is the only thing sunoo could say right now , he wants to get away from here , sunoo can't bare seeing his father and sister cry because of him 

"Kim sunoo you motherfucking kid" 

Sunoo heard esmeraldas voice and sunoo immediately ran to a unknown path , sunoo running and running when he fell off a clip 

Sunoos body hit the ground and sunoo groand he thought he's safe already but he's wrong , sunoo rolled and rolled 

A rock hit sunoos head and sunoo loses his consciousness,  he keeps rolling and rolling until his body got to the river that leads you to ther place 

His body was taken away by the water leading sunoo to place he didn't know and didn't see before 


"Shit where's sunoo!? It's getting dark already " 

Sunoos dad is panicking,  he can't think straight,  apparently sunoos dad is at jungwons apartment cause jungwon asked him if sunoo is home already 

"Hello Mr Kim did you contact sunoo already??" 

Jay asked and Mr Kim shook his head , then the other three follows up , winter is panicking as fuck , winter stands up and went outside

"I'm going to uncle , I know he'll help us on this "

Winter said and immediately went outside to her car and drove away to the police station hoping that his uncle is on shift and not the other one


"How dare you to let him go Liang!!?" 

Liang earned a slap from his mother and Liang just laughs and started walking near his mom , esmeralda was backing out 

"I can't keep up with your bad doings mom that's why , got any problem with that?" 

Liang was looking at his mom demonically [a/n : is that a word? ] esmeralda is really scared she can't can't look at his son straight 

Esmeralda pushed his son and immediately ran , she thought Liang will let her go and let her do what she wants , no cause Liang has other plans 


"Where's uncle taehyun? I need to talk to him " 

Winter demanded but the police officer ignored her,  well the police officer hated winters family that's why , winter had enough of this drama

Winter climb up on the police officers table not minding her short skirt and started choking the police officer not minding the consequences she'll face 

"I asked a question you motherfucking police ! Where's my uncle !?" 

Winter keeps choking the police when taehyun saw her , taehyun immediately ran to his niece and stopped her from killing his office mate 

"Minjeong stop that , your skirt is short why would you climb on top of that " 

Taehyun scolded winter but winter just shrugged her shoulders and swayed her hair then went to taehyuns office , taehyunjust apologized and followed her niece 

To be continued

Please bare with my Incorrect spellings and grammatical errors here, please don't forget to vote,  love yalls and enjoy reading BYE for now, see yah on the next chapter 

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