A drink

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Tony's pov.

Pepper was on a business meeting and I was alone, I didn't want to talk to the team

I wanted to be alone
I walked out of the store with alcohol and took a big drink from it

I stumbled down the street to my car , it was dark and I clicked my car to open

The click of a gun made me stop cold
'Is everyone trying to kill me , and pepper?'

"Your girl friend was lucky" the man behind me said "but you don't have a little girl to protect you"
I turned around and dropped my drink.

"Little girl?" he had a grey suit and long grey and black hair
His brown eyes sparkled with anger

"Yes the girl we've been looking for! she belongs to us and is to strong for people like SHIELD!" he growled

Suddenly his gun sparked blue and the bullet pack fell to The floor
Behind him a saw a car car start and bolt forward

"Holy!-" I rolled to The left and it slammed into the man he flew back and fell to the floor

To my amazement, He stood up and pulled out a other gun

The door flew open and a little girl jumped out "can you drive?' she asked an I ignored her

I dove into the car and tackled her to the floor

Bullets flew over me and she yelped in alarm "guns why guns! why can't they use swords?!" I climbed over her and into the driver seat

I put it in reverse and sped away from him "this ain't your car!" she yelled and I saw the man running to a van

"Well it's not yours ether!" I argued and she looked out the window he was speeding after us
"Good point" she mumbled

The car slammed into are back and she lunge forward
"Wait!" I yelled and she scrambled into the back seat

I reached back to grab her but she slammed her foot into the back window

It flew of and shattered into the van , the van swerved to the left and sped up

Bullets flew again and she ducked down
"I'm to young To die again" the barked at me and I sped up more

"I'm not! but I still dot wanna!" I yelled and she pulled on the back door
It flew open ad wind flew in

She kicked it three times before the hinges gave out and flew back Into the van

It swerved of The road and Into the ditch

I pulled over and looked back at her
Finally getting a good look she had on a purple shirt i could only read part of it camp ju... the rest was faded out
A bead necklace was around her neck and she had on boots and light jeans

She was young

"Oh no... hey kid you ok?" I asked an she nodded and jumped out
I followed behind her and she ran to The ditch

The van door was open and no one was in sight
"Oh no" she stomped her foot

"Again! he got away again!" I stared at her "your the little girl pepper told me about" I claimed and pointed at her

She nodded and smiled at me "your welcome, I saved your life" she said and walked past the car and into the forest

I couldn't let her go alone so I ran after her
"You did not save me!" I yelled and she laughed

"Your just mad cuz' you got saved by a kid, again" she kept walking and I was taken back.

"How do you know about that? and why are those men Looking for you?" I asked and she shrugged

"I'm special" she smirked and I frowned "so am I but you don't see men..." I trailed off and she laughed

"I just did" she claimed and stopped walking

"I'm almost half way through with my mission and I'm still learning, so until we meet again , Anthony"
I blinked In Confusion and she vanished

A small blue flower , took her place

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