Chapter One

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Commander Cody Execute Order 66...

Everything started with me hearing those words...but I knew one thing...It was Palpatine's voice...After that, everything changed, the clones like they had a switch inside their minds turned, and they started firing upon me and my master.
They've hit the rock wall the varactyl was running on and last thing I know, we were falling towards the water...well as I thought...
I've hit the rocky surface instead of water and lost consciousness...

Obi-Wan hit the water, and had to swim to the surface, he didn't see his padawan and daughter at the same time anywhere. His gaze then stopped on an unmoving body laying on the rocky surface...His breath stopped when he recognized his daughter. He swam as fast as he could.

He went to hear for a heartbeat and a pulse, but none was found or could not be felt...
Devastated with the loss he hoped he would avoid, he lost Satine and now he lost his daughter too, he put his forehead on his daughter's and said, "May the force be with you, my dear daughter."
Obi-Wan then stood up, leaving the body of his daughter, believing she would be better up there with her mother watching over him and protecting him from what is still waiting for him. The loss of his great friend to the dark side of the force...

---15 years BBY---Kashyyyk---

Another sunny day on the planet Kashyyyk, a homeworld to wookies and a girl in her adolescent years...Her name is Fyrris Scorchsa, but we all know who she really is...
Fiery hair with greenish blue eyes...rings any bells?

She lives on Kashyyyk for 5 years now...Wookies taught her how to survive, once she will on her own...well one certain Wookie did...All of you know him. But after they taught her, she decided to stay. There are plenty of places to hide on this planet and they showed her everything on this planet.

But one day within 5 years felt a pull that led her off of Kashyyyk...On a planet full of sand...Tatooine...

She had a ship borrowed from wookies, that is how she got there. She let the Force guide her to where she felt pulling her to.
Fyrris landed in front of a hut. The pull was really strong now...
She exited the ship and warily made her way to the door, she opened them and inside awaited a great surprise...One she didn't believe was still alive...

"Master? Is that you?" She asked, not believing her eyes.
"Indeed. But I should be the one asking that question...During the Purge...You were laying there motionless, I couldn't find pulse and heartbeat...I thought you were dead...but as I see now, you weren't..." said Obi-Wan, the man Fyrris thought was dead.

"I think the Force wanted you to believe I was dead, Master, the Force is still very much unknown to us even though we learn to understand it....You once said it." Fyrris said, smiling at her old master, Obi-Wan smiled back.

"No need to call me master anymore, young one. There is one important thing I have to tell you and I had to keep it a better sit on this one." said the older man and motioned to one of the sofas for Fyrr to sit on.
Fyrris nodded and heeded his advice and sat down on one of the two sofas.

"Fyrris, you weren't just a padawan to me. The truth is you are also my daughter...Only me, Yoda and Satine knew....Okay, Anakin maybe knew too since there was really great similarity between you and me...I know it is hard to believe, but you really are my daughter..." said Obi-Wan seriously, but also hoping that his daughter will not run away saying it isn't true.

Instead she stood up and went to hug her father she had no idea of her whole life, but in her years of padawan she built up father-daughter relationship with Obi-Wan and really hoped that he was her father, since she didn't remember her true father, but now she got to know that her master was her biological father all time along.

"It is okay...I am glad I've got to know the truth, I could never wish for a better father than you." Fyrr said and broke the hug to show Obi-Wan her smile.

"And I am glad I could see you again, that you are alive and well, I could never forgive myself that I lost your mother, you and Anakin..." he said, frowning sadly and Fyrr froze...

"What happened to Ani?" She asked, looking at her father worried for Anakin as she looked up to him as a sister. He was her inspiration along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, but she never got to know what happened to him...

"That is a very long story..." he said sitting on one of the sofas, "I think you should go now, I don't want the Tusken Raiders to shoot your ship or you, and you are more safe on Kashyyyk than here. Wookies are our greatest friends, now go." Obi-Wan said going with his daughter outside, leading her to the borrowed ship.
"It was nice seeing you again and getting to know who I really am." She replied, hugging her father for the last time and going into the ship and setting her way back on Kashyyyk.

Now she is 17 years old and can stand on her own and fend off some stormtroopers...yes stormtroopers, they started to occupy Kashyyyk too, and Fyrris is fending them off from the shadows, since she heard, there is another jedi running around the galaxy...She needs to find out more about this jedi and perhaps even meet him.
She doesn't expect much, because matured jedi are mostly in hiding, so it will probably be some padawan that got discovered and now has pretty much half of the Empire on his tail...
And she has to clean the mess after him...great..

But now, the young jedi is back on Kashyyyk, he was here before, but somehow got back, and she is pretty sure that the Force will introduce them this time now...She has the feeling...

Of course she recognizes the ship he is traveling with...Stinger Mantis a ship that is not exactly for combat purposes and what would normally jedi use. But it is nice looking, it has some combat equipment, yes, but it isn't a combat class ship, the combat equipment is only for defence...

Fyrris felt his force presence miles away from the landing pad and is pretty confused, why isn't he hiding it? There could be inquisitors nearby! Wait till he will end up in Fyrr's hands, she will pretty much give him big talking for that.

She then decided to get close, so she traveled across the tree crowns to get as close as she could to the place where the fighters and jedi with his friends were.
She was always watching him from afar...but today...he walked straight up under the tree she is on, minding his business, but in that right moment...feeling it was the Force's doing, the branch on which Fyrr was snapped and she fell down, taking the young jedi boy with her, falling on top of him, their noses millimeters away and shocked expressions on their faces...

Chapter Two -

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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