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Love didn't exist, it was only found in story books that you'd pick from the library each morning.

You've never fallen inlove, especially with a man.

Love was difficult for you, but that was the same for everyone, or so you thought.

"Miss. Y/n, late again now are we?" The professor pointed out, "I was at the library, sir."

He gave you a judgemental look as you sat down. But that was normal, unfortunately.

You began analyzing your class, everything felt uncomfortable in here, everyone was dead silent and just focused on getting shit done, but you just ignored it and got back to business.

"Miss Y/n, where's the homework?"

Your face went blank in shock. You stayed up all night reading smut books it left your head, so embarrassing.

"I didn't remember we had homework, sir." You spoke. He sighed in annoyance, per usual, "Sit down, Miss Y/n."

You did as told and looked out the window, yelling at yourself internally. You're so caught up in your own world, even your own family tells you that you aren't gonna graduate like this.

Suddenly, someone walked through the doors of your classroom, and gave your professor a warm grin.

He made his way to the front of the class, placing his carryons down. He got set up and faced everyone with a smile.

"Hello," he started, "I'm Loid Forger, a psychiatrist."

You raised a brow and thought to yourself, he looks too young to be a psychiatrist, but you ignored it, and kept listening.

"I will be teaching you all today, and all the importance's of specific patients," He grabbed a remote, and pressed a button, switching slides.

You sat there, bored out of your mind, hearing him ramble on and on. "You, with the annoyed expression on your face."

Then, all the attention turned to you, "Huh? What?"

"Tell me, Miss, what did I just say? Can you repeat it to the whole class?" He asks, "I don't know, can I?"

He chuckles, following with some murmurs from your classmates, "My mistake, I meant, may you repeat what I said to the class?"

"Yes, I can." You begin repeating every word, Loid said, leaving him impressed and with a smirk on his face.

"So I was incorrect, you weren't drifting off into space, my apologies, Miss-"

"Miss L/n."

"Ah, Miss L/n, good to know." He addresses, "Can't wait to change that horrific last name in the future." He mumbles, "Excuse me, Mr. Forger, did you say something?"

"No ma'am, you're fine." He replies, continuing with his presentation. "Thought so."

You heard whispering and gossiping from the girls behind you, saying how hot the man was, and they weren't wrong.

Class was finally over and you stayed after the bell. You feel someone coming up behind you, and you turn around to see who it is, "Hey, Miss L/n, I'm sorry again for the mistake earlier."

"Don't apologize, it's fine." You respond, while picking your things up, "I'm glad," he tries to continue the conversation, but you interrupt him.

"Listen, it's nice of you to try and talk to me, but I gotta get going." You inform, "Sorry, I was just asking if you knew where the library was?"

"Oh! I'm sorry! Haha, yes I'm heading there now, you can join me if you want." You reassure, "Really? Thank you, I promise I won't stick to you the whole time, it's only to look around."

"Okay, great, Mr Forger." You retort; he gave you a smile and you made your way out, letting him follow behind.

You both were walking in the hallways, passing by other students and classes. He was waving at teachers, and you were waving at friends, coincidence.

You both walked into the library, and stopped to look around. "This is it." You utter, "Great, thank you, Miss L/n."

Then he walked away to one of the librarians, while you made your way to the romance novels on the right of where Loid was.

You picked out some new books, but unfortunately you tried grabbing one of them, but it was out of your reach.

After a bit, a tall blonde hovered over you, and grabbed the book that you wanted, "Oh? You like reading these books, Miss L/n?"

You blushed and snatched it from him, "Didn't we agree on no sticking?" You interrogated, "What? Can't a man not look through books he finds interest in?"

You roll your eyes and made your way to the librarian. You show her your student ID and put your books in your book bag.

Loid waltzes on over and shows her his real ID, "Y'know, maybe we should grab coffee together, Miss L/n."

"How old are you?" You question, "Because I'm a college student while you already have a full blown job, but you cannot be older than 25."

"Actually, I'm 27." He responds, "I'll make an exception."

He laughs at your bold response, "So you do find me attractive or charming huh?"

"You're really confident for a guy with that haircut." You inform, "Really funny, Miss L/n."

"Haha." You spoke in a sarcastic tone, and began walking out of the library. "So is that a yes or no?"

"Hm, alright, just one day."

He smiled, and wished you a safe trip home.

You were walking back and you sighed, he was sweet but what if he was married or had kids, luckily you saw no ring on his finger, so that was a good sign.

You walked inside your home, having your parents greet you, along with your brother and his girlfriend, Yor Briar.

"Hey! Welcome home!" Alder greeted, "Hello, Y/n! So nice to see you!" Yor said cheerfully; you nodded in response and went to your room.

You laid down and listened to music play on your speaker. You kept thinking about the somewhat date Loid asked you on, it just couldn't leave your head for some reason.

You ended up falling asleep, and eventually heard yelling coming from your brothers room.

You weren't surprised, he told you about Yor's ex-husband, and how he made her feel insecure and cheated on her, after he knew she was inlove with him. But it's been a year, yet she still hasn't moved on.

But it's been like this for a constant amount of months, and you wonder how your brother even deals with it anymore.

You received a call from your boyfriend, Reed.

You decline it since he's been manipulating you and making you feel bad about yourself for the past month now.

You were highschool sweethearts and now it's just a living nightmare being with him, but you're scared of leaving because you don't want him to go to far. But you knew he wouldn't go to those limits, right?

Eventually, the next morning came and you got dressed quickly enough to be the first in the library, but unfortunately you ran back into Loid, and watched him form a smirk on his thin lips.
First chapter done! woop woop! hopefully this gets the same attention as detached LOL LOVE YALL!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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