The Holy Blade

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The fight between her Master and the enemy is finished. She doesn't know that simple fact, but she bets on it, because her situation just took a turn for the worse. For the past few minutes, she has been bombarded with spells, jewels and arrows. Her instincts allowed her to dodge some attacks, but her enemies ended up picking on the fact that she had such an ability and used it against her. Whenever she dodged, another attack came and she couldn't repel it or dodge it. The timing between each attack was inconsistent, so whenever she adapted to an attack pattern, that pattern ended up changing and she had to suffer the consequences. The servant knew that she couldn't win this fight alone and that she had to wait for her Master to finish off the enemy to finally get rid of everyone here. Because yes, Saber has a trump card. A powerful move that she never uses because in doing so, it reveals her own identity. She didn't use it against the two Servants and the master here because she didn't know where they were. If she used her Noble Phantasm in the wrong way, she would lose. So, she can only play on the defensive part while hoping that Shirou will finish quickly.

"Tch, what a weird combination." said Saber in anger. "I can't believe that you all needed such cheap tricks to stand a chance against me."

"Of course we need those tricks." replied Tohsaka Rin in a mocking voice. "If we didn't have them, we would all be dead. But Saber, don't worry about yourself and worry about Shirou. At the moment that we're talking, he's probably getting beaten down by Ryuudou-kun without the possibility of fighting back."

The servant twitched her eyebrow at the comment made by her enemy. It seems that she knows her Master pretty well and still thinks that he would lose. Saber doesn't think that way, at all. She starts laughing at Rin's foolish comment. How can she, a person who knows Shirou, underestimate him in such a way right now?

"Archer's Master, I really thought that you were smart when you managed to get a witch at your side to defeat us," replied Saber with her eyes closed. "but now, you're making yourself seem like a fool. Kotomine Shirou is not like you and you know that. He's an abnormality that doesn't think like all humans do. He doesn't have any morals and his wish is not fascinating. By your standards, calling him a vile creature wouldn't be an exaggeration. But, it is that creature that I like to serve. I don't quite understand, but he and I are the most compatible pair in this war. He understood and accepted me and I did the same. So, believe me when I say this: Shirou will win."

The amount of trust Saber has for her Master angers Rin. Her eyes are filled with malice and she can't think about anything else except killing Shirou and Saber. She just wants them dead. Nothing else. She will not be satisfied if they end up living through. She has spent her entire night awake just to think about how she could exterminate Shirou. Shirou. Shirou. Shirou. Shirou. She is so obsessed with him to the point that it's scary. Whenever she is around him, she becomes a different person. She fights back the urge of jumping at his throat to kill him with a Gandr shot. For ten years, she has been obsessed with him. Although, she sometimes can't recognize herself. What does she truly want? His death or his approval towards her?

"Rah, Archer, Caster!" shouted Rin while denying her actual feelings. "Finish her off!"

The decisive blow was coming for the swordsman. To respond to his Master's wish, Archer betted everything on the arrow that he made appear to kill Saber. Its magical output was at its pinnacle and the gust of wind was powerful enough to render his presence visible. But he didn't care. For him, he was going to win and destroy Shirou's assets. That simple fact made him grin and put even more magical energy in his arrow while Caster was preparing her spell as well. It was sort of a beam of energy that was at its peak performance. With that, even her could have a chance in fatally injuring Saber. Tohsaka Rin, on the other side, wasn't doing anything. She was simply giving Archer more and more access to her magic circuits and doing just that was tiring.

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