Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Ryn was nearly fully healed the following morning, after asking for another bath with the flowers in again, some poor servant had to venture out in the early morning to get the flowers for him. However, Greer was happy to mash the flowers up and add them to Ryn's bath.

'Oh, my mother will be amazed when she sees me practically fully healed. And look how my scales shine in the morning light. I don't even care that it smells bad,' he told Greer from the tub. 'So, we only have today and tomorrow until we have to return to the academy.' He paused then said, 'Are you listening?'

'Yes,' Greer called back as he was pouring over his potion notes. 'We have today and tomorrow before we have to go back to the academy. Where are you going with this?'

Ryn flicked a bit of stray petal that floated to him and turned upside down in the bath. He was so fond of these little flowers though he thought he knew everything. Greer was keeping things from him again and he didn't like it. 'Can we come back next week?'

About to write something, Greer stopped, frowning. 'Why?'

'I want to keep up with my studies.'

Placing his quill down, Greer went into the bathroom, leaning against the door frame. 'What are you talking about?' Ryn ducked under the water and then came up slowly, his nostrils peeking out of the water, his eyes closed. 'Ryn, what's wrong?'

Rising from the water, he said, 'I'm not advancing as far as I'd like to and may require more time.'

Scratching the back of his head Greer had to think about the preparations he needed for his exams. He couldn't miss them but then again, Ryn needed to be here. 'Well then, you can stay here for a few days until you are on top of your flying and other dragon lessons and I'll head back to the academy.'

As though all of the colours drained from Ryn's face he said, 'No, no, I don't want us to separate. I want us to be together. Can't you stay here?'

Sighing, Greer pulled a face. 'I'm not sure that I can. I've got two exams to do. They are my first real exams. If you are in the stables you are with your mother.'

Ryn snorted, 'And her.'

Pinching his nose as he was starting to get a headache, Greer proposed this. 'I will write a message to the academy and let them know that you need more time-'

'No! Please don't do that. I'm so embarrassed.'

'Embarrassed about what?' Greer asked, surprised at Ryn's demeanour.

'For a long time, we've been known to be very intellectual. And for a young dragon, I am quite advanced when it comes to human things like history and languages and the like. But this is a dragon thing and I'm not adept as I should be. I have my pride you know. This is upsetting for me.'

Understanding what he was getting at, Greer smiled. 'Ryn. You arrived very early out of your shell, and you survived, which to be fair is a miracle. I don't know any dragon who has survived. Because of this you are smaller than the others your age but you are a survivor, you don't give up. I like your tenacity to keep going but don't ever believe that your lack of picking something up quickly, such as flying, is a lack of who you are. Embrace the challenges. If something is a challenge and you try and try and fail, evaluate the flaws, then go back and try again with a better attitude and more preparedness. If it's a practical challenge, do something about it. Gain the muscle and ask for help from others who have gone through the same thing. Such as your sister.'

Ryn snorted a stream of hot air. 'I'd never sink that low!'

Kneeling down by the tub Greer put his hand up as Ryn was getting agitated. 'Look. Urantani is jealous of you because you can do things she can't. It will be difficult, but if you ask for her help because there is something that you can't do, you can offer your help to her in turn. Being humble, Ryn, is an asset. Learn it and you may better understand others. Now, your breakfast will be ready soon. I'll give you a few more minutes then you are out of that tub, dried, breakfasted and on your way.'

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