Emotional Flow

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Last days of a stage of life,

Wondering that with time ;

All the footprints left in the heart will get removed,

All these few years of life story will come to an end.

Time passes by,

Entering into a next phase of life,

Meeting new people , new environment ,new surroundings.

Weeks passes by,

Months passes by,

But those sweet memories flashes by,

And makes you recollect, 

That your future predictions went totally upside-down,

Neither the footprints in your heart was gone;

Nor the memories got lost,

And a smile drops in your face.

How all these makes you realize,

That the place kept reserved couldn't be taken by anyone,

And makes you blush for a while.

Many a times ,life gave the golden opportunity to express,

Neither you did ;nor the person,

Even after knowing that you feel for one-another.

Just because of a doubt,

That you aren't sure ;

Whether the person feels the same for u or not?

And keeping this doubt in mind,

Keeping the emotions suppressed in your warm heart,

Continue to do your daily task,

And repeat the vicious cycle of thoughts .

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