Chapter 2- Is It Real?

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Everyone came inside.
They sat down at the table and Yara took the book off the shelf.
'Sooo, what exactly are we going to do with this book?' Thomas asked.
'It looked strange, so maybe its some kind of magic book or something!' Yara said.
'I wouldn't wanna miss that!', Liz said exited.

Yara opened the book and immediately all the lights went out.
'And this is exactly why i couldn't sleep last night', Yara said.
James walked up to the light-switch to turn the light-switch on again.
But it didn't work!
'Umm guys... The light-switch is stuck!', James said.
'Guess we'll have to do this in the dark.', Liz said exited.
'Anyway, what's in the book?', Senna said.

Yara read a bit in the book:
"The Multiverse is a dangerous item,
People who went in were killed,
By a Witch and a Titan.
Don't listen to their whispers
Do not trust,
Who did became their prisoners."

'What does that mean anything?', Lis asked.
'I don't know, maybe there is some sort of spell that we missed.', Yara said.
'Are you guys really believing this?', Thomas asked
'Maybe it is real and if we don't try, we'll never know', Liz said.
'Guys! I found something, look!', Yara said exited.
'It looks like some kind of manual', James said.

'Should we try it?', Yara asked.
'YESSS!!', Liz shouted.
'Oh. Im sorry. Yes', Liz said.
'Oke... we'll try it then', Yara said.
'But.. but isn't it dangerous?', Senna asked.
'I don't know, but we can take this risk, right?', Yara said.
'Y..Y..yes, sure. I guess.', Senna stuttered.

Then they followed the instructions in the book:
➖Stand in a cirkel
➖Put the book in the middle on this page
➖Hold each other's hands
➖Say the words under these instructions, everyone at the same time
"May the Multiverse open, here we go.
With his mighty arrow and bow."

'Arrow and bow?', Thomas asked. 'The Multiverse can't even use an arrow and a bOOOOWW!!!'
'What's happening!!!???', James shouted.
Suddenly all the lights started blinking and the house started to shake.
Then, out of nowhere, some kind of portal appeared.
Then the portal suddenly started to suck everything up.
Everyone started to grab the wall.

'I can't hold any longer!!', Liz shouted.

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