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"Two mags left!"
Those were the first words I heard when I regained consciousness. I soon found out that I couldn't move my leg, because it was stuck in some of the rubble that used to be the helicopter that I was in, before it was shot down. I'm surprised that I haven't been completely crushed by it when we dropped from the sky, since I am completely underneath the helicopter. The only opening leading to the outside was the one right in front of me, but even if I could move, it isn't tall enough for me to crawl out. The thought of me trying to escape the wreckage quickly disappeared from my head when my vision cleared up, and the hundreds of Russian soldiers in front of me dumping lead downstream came in view.
"Ramirez! Here! Take this!"
A fellow squad mate threw me a M4A1 and a partially empty clip, and a couple seconds later, his brains were all over my face. His body bounced off of the remains of the helicopter in front of me, and slumped down. I proceed to wipe my face of his remains, load in the clip into my gun, and looked down the sight. Thanks to the small magnification the red dot sight provided, I could clearly make out the enemy soldiers firing away at us across the road upon a background of burning cars. Along with that, in the nighttime sky, I saw a jaw dropping and terrifying sight: Hundreds of enemy helicopters, high above the sky, with the Capitol building in the background. Muzzle flashes are coming out of those machines, which are presumably mowing down the remnants of what once used to be our great army. I took aim at one of those dark shadows, and carefully, pulled the trigger, making sure that I don't waste the little ammunition I had left. As I kept on slowly tapping the trigger, I kept hearing the sound of radio static, with panicked screaming and yelling on the other side, along with lots of gunfire, and the faint whirring of the helicopters in the distance. Before I knew it, my gun started making a clicking sound. I know that it is was out of ammunition, and I am currently in big trouble. I started to panic, and screamed out that I'm out of ammunition. A couple moments later, Sergeant Foley tossed a magazine in the hole, and screamed at me to use my ammunition more carefully. I took out the empty magazine, and loaded in the fresh new cartridge. As I continue to pick off more enemies carefully, five helicopters swoop in, and hundreds of more Russian troops were dropped down. Among all the gunfire, mortar shells, and distant minigun Fire, someone screams our "Shit! There's too many of them!" Between the hundreds of soldiers in front of them, and us running out of ammunition, panic started to settle in. We were running out of options. The only way we were going to survive is if they were to spare our lives when we get run over. We were only buying time at this point. I continued to precisely fire my shots, in order to make sure every one of them did, but even then, more enemies came in to replace the ones that have fallen. While I was firing my shots, I saw Corporal Dunn get shot in the arm. Thankfully, his Kevlar vest protected him from being killed outright, but he was obviously wounded. Foley picked Dunn off of the ground, and he started to drag him to a safe area, under heavy fire. During all that, I tried to keep my focus on the enemy, but then, my finger slipped, and I emptied the rest of my precious clip. I immediately screamed out for more ammunition, but all I heard was people screaming out that they were out of ammunition as well. As I continue to scream for help, a bright light blinded me, but in that brightness, I saw an even bigger flash in the sky. When the light was directed off of my eyes, I saw something strange and nebulous in the sky. A few moments later, the lights in the Capitol building in the background went out, then, I heard the deafening noise of lightbulbs bursting, and power lines melting, while all the buildings' lights went out like a chain of dominoes towards me. The helicopter's light that blinded me suddenly went out as well, and it careened towards the Russians, and it exploded, killing or seriously wounding anyone that was around it. The gunfire stopped, and for a couple seconds, all I could hear was the crackling of the fires from some of the rubble on the street. As we started to take a sigh of relief, a fighter jet suddenly nosedived towards us. As I could not move, I lay there, paralyzed in fear for what was about to happen. Thankfully, it took a sharp turn to the right, and crashed in a building, which promptly crumbled down after the impact. Foley and another squad mate helped remove the metal that was blocking my way to freedom, and helped me get out of the wreckage. Once when I got on my feet, I stood in awe at the sky, where helicopters and planes alike were falling from the sky like rain that was set on fire. I stared at the sky, until a helicopter crashed a few yards away from me, almost crushing a fellow squad mate. That is when we all broke into a run down the streets, with helicopters, jets, and planes rained down from the sky, looking for a place to hide from the mechanical downpour. Thankfully, we saw a broken window on a bookstore, and we bolted to it. On our dash there, a scrap of metal landed in front of Dunn, and narrowly missed it by jumping over it so that he wouldn't get hit by it. In the process, he fell face first on the ground, and because of his injured arm, he could not get up. Since I was the only person behind him, I picked him up, and shoved him through the opening. I then jumped through the window myself, but right when my two feet made it in, something behind me crashed and exploded, making me fly towards the wall, and knock me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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