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They say that 'if you want to tell a story right, you have to start at the beginning'. So here we go. My name is Avyanna, which means strong and beautiful but the dragons in the Hidden world call me Ann. But I personally think my actual name is better. Other then that I'm 18 years old in human years but I'm 918 in dragon years. I was raised by the dragons in the Hidden world because something happened to my parents when I was just a infant and was found alive in a shipwreck by a dragon called cloudjumper. I love exploring, the night sky, the sunrise, and of course flying. On that note there's something else around me. Somehow I can transform myself into a beautiful dragon known as a Lightfury.

I'm incredibly fast and can turn invisible in either of my forms. It also allows me to talk to animals and other dragons as well. But since I'm not like other people my age, I'm not allowed to leave the Hidden world. But I'm not easily put down so I often get into trouble with the others. But one day I'm going to get out of here and explore the whole world.

What could happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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