A plan put in Motion

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The vampire girl artwork was done by cece lovings here's the link to her Pinterest



Light screamed as the corset was getting pulled tighter and tighter, he didn't know why he's putting his faith ,in sora and Jaxx as those two ,are the least likely to know how to apply makeup, but now here they are trying to apply a corset.,

{Jaxx} yes light we know what we're doing,(he said annoyed),

{sora} uhhh babe I think you're pulling it a little too tight,


From across the room Luca overheard ,the argument between the three of them,(sigh let's go see why they're screaming, I bet they need my help,) Luca commented under his breath, I mean there is no reason why light wouldn't trust him at all, even though he's a boy ,he knows his way around make up, and has a good sense of fashion, The reasoning for this is because ,he hangs around Charlie a lot, so it would be inevitable that he would learn all this stuff, he began to walk his way over, to The three arguing in the front of the room,


{sora} THAT CAN HAPPEN!!!,

{Luca} yah, if it's pulled tight enough, hear let me help you Jaxx,

Luca helped Jaxx with the corset, until it was tightened safely so it wouldn't hurt light,

{Luca} their, is that better for you light

{light} VERY TWT (he said relieved, dropping to his knees),

{sora}so... why the corset, I mean light already has a feminine figure?,

{Luca} well one light kind of gained some, and two I heard it can make your thighs look bigger, thick thighs save lives ya know,

Sora walked over ,and looked in lights direction,

{sora} oh yeah you're right, they do look bigger,

{light} wait what,

{Jaxx} yah uh-hu , and where did you learn this Luca?,

{Luca} Charlie of course,

{Jaxx} I should've known

They all went back to what they were doing, light being the test experiment for beauty, Luca trying to apply the make up without messing it up, Sora protesting saying he should be the one to apply the make up, but ends up relenting and helps light make his chest look more feminine,Jaxx helping light put in his anime girls contacts, and trying to help him put on most of the clothes, The last thing they needed to do was to style and shape the wig, and that would be the finishing Touch for light to be all complete,

{light} so..... how do I look,

{Luca} you..... look very beautiful.. I can't believe we're did that good,(he said praising himself),

{sora} wow.. like is this light... like is this the light we know, like is this the airheaded gummy worm loving 12-year-old adult child we know,

Sora was astonished , One because he couldn't believe that they did that good, and two he couldn't tell the difference, because lights style is more of a wholesome loli boy , and this one was more dark but also cute,

{Jaxx} yep this is sure gonna prove that Levi has a crush on light,

Light looked at himself in the mirror, and wondered, is this gonna work?, Will it prove what he's hoping, but nonetheless he's gonna take it all in stride, even if Levi didn't feel the same, light can say he tried,

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