Chapter 1

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~Wendy's POV~

I went to go meet up with my friends from school, I was wearing my hoodie as per usual along with my mask.  We were messing around and having fun.  But one of them, one of my best friends Hailey, suggested we got make-overs.  The others agrees but I shut it down for myself since I didn't want them to see my grumpus parts.  And after awhile of bugging me about it I just kinda left.  They started to tease me a bit every time we hung out about how I was afraid to do anything without my mask and hoodie on.  Eventually I caved in but I wanted to only do new masks and big hoodies.  They agreed and we went to go do it. 

"So you only are doing masks and hoodies right?  Why's that"  Evelyn asked.  She was the newest to our group, a freshmen.

"I...just don't like showing my arms all the time, or my face, it's a personal thing ya-know?"  I simply put.

"Ok then"

We all started to pick out outfits for each other and we decided it was kinda a fashion contest.  Whichever outfit the person bought the person that picked it would get a point.

There were seven of us including me.  Currently it was:

Hailey: 1
Jessica: 0
Evelyn: 2
Kailey: 1
Sasha: 0
Lila: 1
Me: 1

It was now my turn to try on outfits.  All besides for Evelyn had listened to my boundary's.  So when it came to Evelyn's...we'll. 

"I cant wear this!"  I said.

"And why not?!"  She asked.

"Because I can't!  I don't wanna!"

"Oh cmon, your fine, how about I come in and help you put it on?"

"No!  Don't!  I'm not gonna wear this period!"

"Fineee be that way."

"Dude not cool!"  Hailey said.  "You know she has boundary's, so why push them?!  That's not what a good friend would do!"

"Hailey-  you guys pushed me to do this."

"Yeah!  But we agreed it would be hoodies and masks for you!"

"Ok true."

"Ugh, fine I'm sorry.  I'll go pick out something else". She walked away.  At the end of it I ended up choosing Haileys pick.  The hoodie was really comfy and cozy and the mask didn't percent me from breathing (plus she got me some new shoes and shorts along with it-  so extra points for her-).

I hurried home to show my father what Hailey had picked out for me.

"Father! Are you here?" I went to explore around the house, everywhere. Nothing. I just chalked it up that he was working a late shift and the family friend would be here soon aswell. But neither of them came home that night. Eventually I tried to call them but it would ring then hang up. Like they were in a no-go zone or they were ignoring me. I kept going to school but eventually the bills came up. The people also realized my father was gone, so I was moved elsewhere till I was 18. I never knew where my father went, don't think I ever will.

Durring the two years I was an orphan it was a simple life. I ended up in a nice foster care home and they took care of me till I was ready to leave. School got harder but it always does that. And the Grumpus and Humans haven't gotten any better. Figures. Anyways I decided to get an apartment to myself, get a decent at home job and stabilize myself before anything. But I was lonely. After dad went missing apparently my mom went on an adventure with an Elizabert Megafig. An explorer that had gone to snacktooth island with a few others.

I turned on the news one day and saw the news about Elizabert saying that she was taking Grumpuses there, to the island. So I decided to go over to talk to her about my mom.

As soon as I arrived I took my chance when she was alone.

"Hello! Your Elizabert correct?"  I asked.

"Indeed I am! Who might you be?" She asked me while answering my first question.

"Wendy...but uhm...where is Mrs Zarzuela Onther?"

"Oh, she...well we don't really know.  That's why we're bringing some others.  To find what they are looking for in life, along with helping us find the missing Grumpuses!"

I was speechless for a moment.  My mother, gone?  The one who was gonna come back.  I wanted to say hi again.  But I couldn't.

"Are, you ok?"

" there any chance...I could get to snacktooth?"  I nearly did a gesture with my hands but I stopped myself.  I forgot to mention one thing about the split up on humans and Grumpuses.  We lajit all are split up.  Half of each town, city, and sometimes states are for humans and Grumpuses.  No one passes the border we all stay happy.

"And uhm...just a question for...reasons...are...humans allowed to come..?"

"Humans?  Why?  Are you one?"

"O-oh no!  I'm just wondering f-for reasons?"  Goddamn I'm bad at lying.

"I'm allowing one human along just to see how there like...looks like you've got the ticket!"  She promptly gave it to me.

"I-I...uhm...."  I looked at my tail and then back at her.

"I know inbreeding happens and I'm fine with it.  But until everyone is comfortable with you...let's keep this our little secret.  Between me you and my wife."

"Wife?  Ohh.  Gay, yes.  Just yes"

She just smiled and said, "be sure to be here by 12 O-Clock sharp tomorrow mkay?"

"Right!  Thank you Mrs Megafig!"

She giggled and waved at me before going to talk to others.

Look like I'm going to snacktooth tomorrow. WAIT TOMORROW- I NEED TO GO PACK LIKE RIGHT NOW! I rushed home and got to packing. Oversized hoodies, pants, shirts undergarments etc. Gloves. I need gloves. I went out to get some gloves and a new hoodie so I could at least have one with a hair hole. (Aka you can tie up your hair and put it through the hole for those of you that have never seen/had one.). After that I packed everything else such as seeds, a blanket, a small pillow, hair ties, bathroom stuff, toothbrush toothpaste stuff like that. A backpack of some personal items and small essentials and a suitcase for the bigger stuff. All to do now is to wait and be up on time. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me. So I made dinner and watched tv till I fell asleep.

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