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ok so the winners are

Creepypastqueen88 heres her charector:

Name:Jaden Probst


Looks:Short Brown Hair.Bright Electric blue eyes wears a white shirt with a blue attack on titans like Vest With blue jeans and light blue tennis shoes. 

Persinality:Kind Friendly Funny Quiet Witty Sneeaky. Son of:Jason Probst 

Siblings:Kenni and Elli Probst (Both Girls) 

Backstory:His family Came from outerspace to get away from the evil Space squids When they Crashed they started to defend on their own and His father Made friends with a pig and a bat the pig named jeffery and the bat named Dillion Soon his family made friend with all the creatures except the squids even the night time creatures.soon his father friended sky and then they moved to the sky kigndom.

Favorit Color:Baby Blue 

Enemies:The Squids and Global warming 

Friends:The kids in sky army 

Other:He has a crush on kai.

the other one is Juliathewrighter here's her character's information:

Name:Becca Aceti 


Looks:Long brown hair,brown Eyes,has Two sharp fangs and bacca like ears on top of her head usally wears blue jeans with a white shirt and a fury dark brown vest. 


Daughter of:Jerome Aceti 


Backstory:Is from the forest like her father and is half bacca 

Favorite color:Brown 

Enemy:The squids 

Friends:Almost everybody in the house 

Other:She is almost just like her dad and loves to hang axes on her walls.

The Contest is still opened and as it gets farther into the book the more options you can have in the contest Mkay alright anyway these are the winners yay

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