Shadow Nation

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(In this world from one of the minds of the protagonists...

Shadows are under the guise of humans who roam around the planet. This led to the creation of the Shadow Operatives. A secret organization created by the Japanese government but kept in secrecy originated from the CEO of the Kirijo Group "Mitsuru Kirijo" who proposed the idea for the existence of this organization after the 2009 Dark Hour incident in Iwatodai and a similar incident from 2012 that occurred on Inaba.

Since then, the organization has formed a joint alliance with The Phantom Thieves of Hearts

This is one of their "usual" missions...)





[Tuesday, July 23, 2019]
[Runway, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.]
[1:24 PM]

(In a runway that's sitting in the middle of grasslands in one of England's counties. There is a military transport aircraft that's stationary, it is being loaded with a giant cargo, guided by shady men wearing camo jackets.)

(Meanwhile, somewhere further away from the runway and into the clear grassy fields.)



"Futaba?..........Futaba, are you there?"




(Something from the grass rises.......


It's Futaba who's wearing camouflage and covered with fake grass.)

Futaba: Ugh-....what is it?

(She grabs her binoculars.)

[Operatives HQ]
[???, Japan]
[9:25 PM]

(Akihiko is monitoring the array of screens with his arms crossed and a serious expression, He is seen wearing a black suit with a red buttoned shirt under and a black tie.)

(The screens show an overhead view of live satellite footage of the runway and the aircraft.)

Akihiko: Are you okay back there?

Futaba: I'm fine for my first day, can't believe Rise-san is in this type of fieldwork.

Akihiko: Where's Yu?

Futaba: Uh- can't talk right now.

Akihiko: Those Shadows are loading in the neurotoxin. If the plane goes for take off, we will have too many Shadows-

Futaba: Yeah, people will be very vulnerable to being consumed by Shadows if they are brain dead! I know, I can see that!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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