Never Meant To Be A Date

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When their shift ended, Buck came running towards Tk and Owen, catching them before they got in the car.

"Hey, Strand!" He called out.

Instictively, both Owen and Tk turned around, facing him.

"Oh uh- T-Tk-"

Owen nudged Tk, giving him a knowing look and then went to get into the car. Tk rolled his eyes at his father took a couple steps toward Buck.

"What is it, Buck?"

"Maybe we could hang out tommorow, get to know each other better. Besides, we are part of a team know right?"

Tk bit the inside of his cheek. Is he asking me out right now? I mean, theres no way, right? He's probably only into girls and even if this is him asking me out, I'm really not ready for another relationship right now. He sighed, dropping his gaze to the ground.

"I uh-" Fuck- how do I say this-? He bit the inside of his cheek again, "I'll come and hang out with you Buck. But I'm- I'm not really looking for a serious relationship right now if this is your way of asking me out- I just got out of a serious relationship and it was really stressful and I still need to recover from that before I can move on."

Buck flushed, stumbling over what to say, "no I-I was- I meant- hold on- I was just-" Fuck Evan. Get yourself together damn it. He cleared his throat. "I was just saying qe should get to know each other, thats all. I uhm- I have feelings for a guy right now, so-" he stammered over what to add after that but eventually gave up on it with a sigh.

Wait- he's into guys too? I though he was definetely straight. Maybe that means that at some point... No. No, no, no. I can't. I can't be falling in love this fast with someone I hardly even know. I cannot and therefore will not. He bit his cheek again, "here, I'll give you my number and you can tell me what you want to do tommorow, my dad is waiting."


-3Hey. It's Buck. I was thinking,
maybe we could go to the bar tommorow?

                                    -Well, that'd be    
                                 great, except that I
                                      don't drink

-Damn it. Ok, uhm maybe we
could go see a movie or go to
the park, or I could give you a
tour of the area..?

                                      -A tour of L.A? I'm
                                  assuming thats what
                                  you mean. And, if so,
                                      that sounds great.

-Yea, thats what I mean lol.
just send me your address
and I'll pick you up tommorow.

And thats what Tk did, clicking off his phone afterwards.

He sighed, looking at the ceiling. God, life is so chaotic. This definetely seems like a date, but neither of us want a relationship with each other so what the fuck would it even be called-? He sighed again, rolling onto his side and looking out the window.

He fell asleep, looking out the wimdow at the horizon.


Tk woke up to his phone ringing and yawned, squinting against the light filling his room. He answered the phone, "Buck, it is too damn early for this."

"Get ready, we don't have all day."

"What do you mean-? We literally do have all day."

"Traffic is worse later in the day, so therefore now, we don't."

Tk rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll get ready. How long is it going to take for you to get here?"

"Fifteen minutes. Well- about fifteen minutes."

Tk sscoffed, "and you called me in just enough time to give me less than twenty minutes to get ready why?"

"You'll be fine. You don't have be dressed to the nines, just hurry up and get ready. Be outside in fifteen minutes," he hung up.

"Asshole-" Tk muttered to himself. He rummaged through his closet looking for an outfit. He decided on a ruby red button up shirt with a pair of charcoal ripped jeans and black converse. Once he got dressed he stepped outside and saw Buck was already there, waiting in his jeep.

Buck stepped out and walked around the vehicle, opening the door for him. "Good morning. How'd ya sleep?"

"Fine. Better if some asshole wouldn't have woken me up, but you know."

Buck rolled his eyes and closed Tk's door. While Buck walked around to the other side, Tk buckled his seatbelt.

Buck climbed into the jeep and sighed, buckling his seatbelt and then getting onto the road.

"There are so many things to see, I don't even know where to begin..."


"So, Buck, what's it like living in L.A. Is it as crazy as people say it is?"

He thought about this, leaning further against the park bench and sighing, "sometimes. But other times its a beautiful place. And theres really a big imbalance of beauty and chaos, but you learn to live with it."

Tk turned the slightest bit looking at Buck, he looked amazing the way he was glancing out at the horizon, the sunset reflecting beautifully off of his skin. Tk didn't hesitate, leaning in, placing a hand on Buck's jaw and pulling him closesly, kissing him softly but passionately nonetheless.

Buck was surprised by this, but rather than pushing him away, which had been his first thought, he kissed him back, pulling him close. It was odd, he wasn't sure what had pursuaded him to do that but in the moment it felt likw it was only them, the warmth he felt wasn't from the weather, but rather from the warmth of their bodies being so close the way they were now.

Tk pulled back clearing his thorat, "Sorry I-I don't know what got into me I was just thinking and then-"

Buck looked at him, and then pulled him into another gentle kiss, and he didn't resist it. Instead he seemingly melted into the kiss, surrending his senses and giving into the warmth that they could now feel around them.

Buck pulled back this time, smiling at him, "so, that was-" Tk half smirked at him.

"What if, instead of taking me home, you took me back to your place instead..."

"I thought you weren't looking for a relationship?"

"Well, 1, you have feelings for another guy, and 2, since when did having sex have anything to do with being in a relationship?" The last part he said with a smirk, taunting Buck.

Buck bit his lip, "won't your dad be worried?"

Tk rolled his eyes, "I'll text him, let him know I'm not coming home, and he'll be alright."

Buck kept biting his lip, thinking. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Tk half smirked again, "sounds like you might be a littke nervous..."

"I- no, just making sure you're sure."

"I'm sure. And its sweet that you're worried about me. Now, can we go please?"

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