What?! why?!

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Becka pov.

"What!? Why do you cut yourself!?" Luna asked. "Well why not? i did it when i was smaller" i said.

"I cut myself cause i hate this life with derek and i want to go home and be with Mitch and be happy." I said to her.
"Becka tell Derek you want to have a sleep over with me tonight in this room. i have a plan" Luna said and i nodded.

"Derek i want to have a sleepover with Luna tonight is that ok? we want to know eachoter only Luna and me pleas." she begged.
Derek came in and said "No" "But we want to get to know eachother" Becka said almost fake crying she is real good at making fake tears. Derek looked at her. "Fine have your fun. Luke and i will be going to a party we wanted to take you girls along but i think its better for you two to have other fun." He said and he left yelling. "Luke! were going to the party alone! the girls want their own party alone!" "Ok its fine!" Luke yelled back. we heard a door slam close down stairs and it went completley silence.

I went to untie Luna and we hugged. Luna then took of my jacket and looked at my scars. "You did deep didnt you?" she asked. i nodded slowly.

"Stop becka pleas." she begged and i nodded "ok..." I say.
"Thanks becka" she says and hugs me again.

I sigh."Ok lets get out of here before they come back drunk." i say. Luna nods.

I go to the window and i open it. "Its never locked" i say and luna smiles.

I let luna climb out first and then i follow her and we run to the city. Mitch doesent live far from here and its night time so he will be home.

"I hope their awake" Luna says and i nod. we keep running and soon arrive at the house and we knock on the door quickley.
We wait like 2 minutes and Mitch and jerome are at the door with no shirts on.

"Becka!" mitch yells and picks me up and kisses me. jerome does the same with luna but he says her name.

I kiss mitch back my arms around his neck he smiles and i also smile.
"Ok you two love birds we need to get inside before they see us." Jerome says still luna in his arms.

We stop "Ok" mitch says taking me inside and goes up to his room. Before i know it i fall asleep.

Luna pov.

Im so glad im back. i kiss jerome in the cheek while he is taking me to his room. i cuddle against his bare chest smiling.

"Tired?" he asks. "Yeah" i answere yawning.

Jerome puts me on his bed and he lays down next to me, facing me smiling. "Im so glad your back" he says kissing me. i kiss him back smiling.

He puts his arm around me and pulls me close i cuddle against his chest and fall asleep.

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