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This book I need to clear up. Is that this shit will be different. And I need to tell u guys that.

If there is a smut sene it will be in directed to the characters not anyone or the characters that are playing them.

Next please do not copy my work. I will sue u🙁 with my five cents. You better hope u can catch them. Lol but please as respect do not. You can message me and we can come up with ideas.

My Insta is :samu_the spammer txt me anytime.

This is supposed to be a Jeremiah Fisher book but they are both gonna go around so understand that.

Also I'll break down the family's that will be in cousins take this more of a back story?

Ok so let's start.
The Conklin family.
Steven- 17
Isabel -15
Lural-best friend with Susannah and Amalie.

The fisher family.
Susannah-best friends with Amalie and lural
Conrad -17
Jeremiah -16

The William family
James -17
Rosie -15
Amalie-best friends with Susannah and Lural

Please like and follow. And be ready for shit too go down💅

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