W-where are we?

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(AN remember no pics in this story are mine and I don't own MHA or MHO)

-=-Aizawa POV-=-
It was a normal day... or at least as normal as you can get when you are forced to deal with class 1-A all day everyday. Oh my coffee I just want sleep....

Today I made them go out to site Gamma to practice agility and mobility with their quirks and so I could sleep on a roof.

I was unceremoniously taken from my pleasant sleep and sent back to this hell we call "Reality". My students were yelling for me and at each other trying to strategize for something. I looked up and saw forms in the sky. After a second though, I saw they were falling... and fast.

I jumped out of my sleeping bag and used my scarf to create a net of sorts that they could fall on in case any of my students missed catching any of them.

As they continued to fall I could make out flashes if color coming from them like yellow, blue and pink, black, but they were falling too fast for me to tell which ones the color was coming from and if it was their hair or bodies that the vibrant colors were coming from.

As they approached our position, Mineta threw his... balls onto my scarf to help catch any and had taken out his whip, he had decided it was a good idea to use it as a long range capturing device after his exam against Midnight. Ojiro used his tail to leap into the air and catch a few people while Uraraka was floating in the air and trying to touch as many as she could.

Midoriya was using his quirk to leap into the air and catch them like Ojiro. Koda was asking birds to help and they managed to catch a few of the falling civilians. Bakugou was blasting up and grabbing a few people. Yarorozou had created a net and put it under the capture scarf in case anyone fell through. Tsu was grabbing people with her tongue before they hit the nets.

Iida was running around bringing people over to a safe rooftop. Kirishima was checking them over with Kaminari, Ashido, and a few others. One person almost fell to the nets but Mineta managed to catch them with his... ball covered whip. (I'm uncomfy)

When we had caught them all we brought them down to Recovery Girls office. She was surprised to say the least but commandeered a nearby classroom and set them on the floor to check for any injuries.

"It's odd." She said after examining all of them. "The only thing wrong with is that they are unconscious. Other then that they are perfectly healthy. It must have been a quirk that knocked them out, otherwise they should be awake by now" She had shooed the kids out of the room so it was just us talking.

So it was just us that were there when a child, not that differing in age from my students woke up. They had half sky-blue and bubblegum-pink hair that went halfway down their back. They looked at the other unconscious people then at us.

"W-where are we?"

Okay thank you for reading! If you couldn't guess the one that woke up is Roxie! Later peeps!

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