12 - This is Between Us

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Jimin grabbed your arm firmly as your jaw parted open while watching the scene unfold before you, the sound of the bell hanging over the restaurant's door as you exited with him being drowned by your racing thoughts and unfolding scene. 

“What the fuck are you doing?” Jungkook was on his feet now, outraged with your ex-best friend that had dared to kiss him, especially when in such a vulnerable emotional state. He attempted to wipe his mouth, clear disgust written across his face. 

“I thought-maybe-”

“You thought what? That after I broke up with Y/n, I’d kiss you back?” he exclaimed. 

Jia went quiet, tears beginning to well at the corner of her eyes as he turned his back to her, running his fingers through his hair, not having noticed you nor Jimin yet. 

"I should've listened to her," he muttered, eyes squeezed shut, "Fuck, I should've known." 


"Don't talk to me—" 

His voice trailed off as he registered your voice, his head snapping into your direction with wide eyes. 

"Y/n," he gasped, "it's not what it looks like, I swear—" 

"I know," you say, cutting him off, eyes trailing to the crying Jia before coming to stand in front of her. "I hope you know that after what you just pulled off, you're nothing to me." 

She stands this time, looking at you desperately. 

"Y/n, please, I'm sorry—" she tries to step towards you and you take a step back, Jimin putting a hand in front of her. 

"What you did wasn't cool, Jia," he mutters, only to see more tears well in her eyes. And without another word, she leaves, leaving the three of you alone, silence looming over you. 

Your eyes squeeze shut, heart clenching as you could feel Jungkook's stare from behind. And all you could think of was how you didn't want to face him, you didn't want to have the conversation you know would happen anyways. You didn't want to see his heartbreak, his anger, his hurt. 

It was too much. 

You just wished things wouldn't be this way right now. 

You wish you didn't have to break off from your friend a year early, or break up with your boyfriend after just 3 years, when it had been more. 

"Y/n?" Jimin calls you softly, "are you alright?" 


Is what you wanted to say

But of course you swallow it down and flutter your eyes open, brushing the growing pain off your shoulder to take care of later. 

Not in front of Jimin, is what you told yourself. 

"Yes," you finally breath and finally look at him, glancing at Jungkook who was standing behind you. 

He looked like he had a lot to say, and you wanted to tell him "not right now," 

You wanted a breather. That's it, but his ability to once read with ease had burned up into smithereens. 

"So Pohang?" He finally speaks, his jaw tight. 

You nod instead, avoiding his eyes. 

"Is this what it's all about?" Jimin adds in this time, looking at you both in disbelief.

Jungkook shoots him a glare. 

"Stay out of this," 

"C'mon man, all of this for what?" 

"Jimin," you say softly, "this is between us, okay?" 

He sighs and finally nods. 

"Do you want me to bring you home, at least?" 

"I'll bring her," Jungkook cuts in and you give him a confused look, Jimin looking at you for confirmation.

Locking eyes with your husband, you slowly nod, knowing what was coming. 

"Alright then," Jimin says, taking a step back, "Don't you dare hurt her, Jeon." 

Before Jungkook could lash back at him for considering that he would hurt you, without a word you pull his arm and drag him towards his waiting car. 


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Hey guysss i hope you're all doing alright! I truly apologize for the inconsistent and shorter updates 😞 I'll try and make it up to you guys

Thank you for sticking around! ❤

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