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"K-Kacchan! Please don't hurt him! He hasn't done anything!"

"Quiet Deku!" A four year old Katsuki Bakugou shouted at his 'best friend', Izuku Midoriya. "Get out of my way! Don't try and play hero!" 

"I won't let you hurt him! You have to get through me first!"

"Fine then. Prepare yourself Deku." Bakugou, along with his two lackeys, then charged at the boy who put his hands up and braced himself.

After several hours, the green haired boy was lying on the ground, beat the fuck up. The other boy was crying, but made no move to help the boy. He eventually ran away. The small boy didn't hear it, but footsteps were approaching, and the person looked down on the boy. They picked him up and carried him to his home. They set him down, knocked on the door, and left.

Inko Midoriya came out of her home, looking around to see who had knocked. She then saw her son on the floor, beat up, and she quickly took him in to patch him up. The person, meanwhile, looked at the interaction, their clock-looking eyes staring blankly at the scene, as well as sympathetic.

"I'll look out for you as long as I need to. When the entire world turns their back on you, I'll be there to carry you along."

When Midoriya woke up, he was confused at first as to why he was in his home, remembering he had been in the park. Inko had worried over him, asking questions in rapid fire, but the boy was just trying to wrap his head around the situation.

"Mom, how did I get here?" He asked. The woman looked surprised at the sudden question.

"What do you mean sweetie? Didn't you walk here?"

"No? I don't know how I got here." Inko looked concerned at this new piece of information, but left it alone for now.

"We can deal with that later. For now, let's get you to bed."

Over the course of several years, the, seemingly, same person helped them out, sometimes providing food, and sometimes providing money, as well as providing protection to them. The family of two was confused, but they gratefully accepted their help. The person was more than happy to help in whatever way they could so they could. As much as they'd want to directly interfere with the two, they couldn't since their boss, being the annoyance they are, said not to.

Even though they can't do much, they're content with anything at all.

Several years later, a fourteen year old Midoriya could be seen running to the scene of a crime. A large villain could be seen rampaging near a railway, and everyone came to see the commotion. The teen happily made his way forward to the front so he could get a better view, then listed of the heroes that were there, like Backdraft, Death Arms, and Kamui Woods.

"I know what you are. A fanboy!" A man with stars on his head pointed out. Midoriya looked a bit bashful, before he and the man focused on the fight in front of them. Kamui Woods began to use his special attack, which both Midoriya and the man called out, before someone interrupted him.

"Canyon Cannon!" A large woman in a skin--tight suit called out, knocking the villain away with her feet. Everyone was stunned, but some were knocked out of their stupor, nearly all men, when the woman stuck out her ass. "My name's Mount Lady. Pleasure to make your ass-cquaintance. ~"

"Booty shot, booty shot, booty shot..." Several men chanted, quickly taking pictures with their cameras. Meanwhile, Midoriya was busy with his notebook, quickly scribbling notes into it, and mumbling at a great speed.

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