Chapter 1

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"Kat!" Jack called from outside. "Come on! It's a nice day outside!" But Kat didn't want to come on. She just wanted to sleep all day. Eventually she dragged herrself out of bed and went outside, surprised to see a cat standing next to Jack. "I know you've always wanted a cat, so I decided to get you one!" Kat blushed and hugged Jack. "Thank you!" She smiled. She decided  to name her cat Snowy, because she was light gray with white spots that kind of looked like snowflakes. "Come on, Snowy. And Jack." Kat said as she went back inside. She sat down on the bed and opened up a book. Jack copied. After reading for a while she decided to feed Snowy. Kat fed her and then she and Jack heard a cannon. Kat rushed outside to see the Flying Dutchman firing cannons at the ship. "Jack! Hand me a sword!" Kat yelled over the screaming and cannons and fighting. "I'll handle this," he replied instead of obeying. Impatiently Kat snatched his sword and stabbed the nearest member of the flying dutchman. "No, I think I'd be better" she replied. Sudennly Kat realized how close her lips were to Jack's and blushed. Their lips touched and, in the midst of the chaos, she kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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