Don't Know If I'll Be Back Again

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A.N.: hellloooooooo this is a very sad fic which explores the potential of a friendship that could have been between vic and emmett. they were definitely close friends so i find it very believable that emmett went to the house to say goodbye to her. this is how i imagined it to go. its very sad. but i hope you enjoy

Just as Vic was about to sit down and start watching a movie, the doorbell rang. She was a little confused since she wasn't expecting anyone, but she got up to answer it anyway since she was a nice person.

She opened it quickly, letting out a bittersweet smile when she saw was outside the house.

"Emmett," She tilted her head, greeting him in a warm tone of voice. "Hey,"

"I'm just here to pick up the stuff I left here before I leave." Emmett said, his voice not full of his usual happiness. "I guess Travis told you?"

"What, that you're moving to a different continent? Yeah, he did." She responded, letting him in by making a little gesture with her hands. She watched him awkwardly shuffle about in the entrance as if he'd never been in the house before, but in actual fact, he had lived there for a year or so before he moved out quickly after the whole crisis one incident. "And you didn't even think to say goodbye to me..." She said in a jokingly sad voice, but she was actually pretty sad to see him go.

At first, way back at the end of 2019 when Emmett was hired at Station 19, Vic didn't really know what she thought of him. She thought he was nice - not a good firefighter, but that wasn't his fault - and definitely someone who kept himself to himself. All she knew about him was that he had a girlfriend and was the fire chief's son.

She also suspected something was going on with him and Travis but she didn't want to say anything since it was clear he was closeted. The looks that they exchanged sometimes, the way they acted around each other, she knew there was a connection there.

And then Emmett came out in front of the whole team, and not only did her respect for the man grow infinitely, but her suspicions grew even more.

During the pandemic, since he tested regularly, and Travis was on his kick about being friends with him, they often spent a lot of time together, too. She was really enjoying his company if truth be told, and she honestly would have been happy if they all just stayed friends rather than Travis finally confessing that he liked Emmett again at Maya and Carina's wedding. But, she saw the change in both of their behaviours as soon as they got back together and it was clear that they were something special. Vic really enjoyed seeing them both so happy.

Which is why her heart hurt so much when Emmett came around to collect the last things he had at the house before he left for Italy.

Vic led Emmett into Travis's room and he started by looking through the wardrobe and chest of drawers to find the clothes he didn't manage to pack when he left the house in such a state after the crisis one call. As he was doing that, Vic was watching him whilst she was sitting on the bed and he just seemed so... different. He seemed sad. But really, Travis was too, so it wasn't odd. But it was odd for Emmett, who always usually had a smile on his face.

He realised Vic was almost studying him and he got a little uncomfortable. "Hey, are you uh, are you mad at me?" He asked as he placed a shirt into his bag.

She stood up and walked over to him, stopping his hand from picking up another one of his shirts. "Why would I be mad at you?" She asked him back.

"I applied to this art program without telling Travis or you. I just feel like I went behind your guys' backs..." He mumbled, but just at the right level so Vic could hear. He was looking down at the ground as he spoke too, as if he was ashamed to be speaking. "My dad is, anyway."

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