Ivura - scenario 1 and 2 | Pockey - Scenario 1

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Scenario one(You take the place of pockey in this one)You don't know how or why you're here but you woke up in a bizarre laboratory alone stuck to a wall by some technotic tendrils strapping to the walls

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Scenario one
(You take the place of pockey in this one)
You don't know how or why you're here but you woke up in a bizarre laboratory alone stuck to a wall by some technotic tendrils strapping to the walls. You felt drained and tired like these were sucking the life out of you... which you hoped wasn't the case but you couldn't confirm it. A short wolf woman walked out holding a clipboard and looked at you, eyes lighting up "You're awake! Finally. You know I thought I'd killed you by now." She clicked her pen and statted writing "how are you feeling?" You?

Scenario 2
You'd recently taken a job working for (insert hero agency original or cannon) and are hot on the trail of a scientist you've heard is working on illegal technology. After finding the base and sending the location to your superiors you were instructed to go in and scout out what you could find... and what you could ding was a giant facility of worker robots building and managing building of whole other robots. You followed the trails of technological tendrils and located the scientist teasing a Red panda "your power is fueling my facilities like a battery. Currently... you're a tool being kept alive by my wares and means... you should really thank me... you're living well." You?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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