Moving up in life

236 13 4

6 weeks later, 2 days before the wedding

Venus POV

"It's been a while since we've taken a bath together. I missed this." I say leaning back into his bare chest with a glass of red wine

We decided to have some quality alone time which entailed: a hot bath, some cheesy rom-com playing on the bathroom tv, a charcuterie board, and wine. A lot of wine.

"Are you sure that isn't the wine talking?" Damien questions as a joke

"Mmm, maybe a little."I giggle

This may or may not be my third bottle to myself. However Damien is right there with me at 4.

"Wow, I'm so offended." Damien says in a sarcastic tone

"I'm joking, I'm joking. You know I love your company un-influenced. Have you picked up your suit yet?"

"Yeah. Two weeks ago."

"Where is it?"

"Joey has it, why? Wait.... Are you trying to look at it? That's not fair you won't let me look at yours! So I don't give you permission."

"Mmm, you know me to well. But I doubt Joey would let me."

"Good." He smiles down at me

"Cheese me." I say and open my mouth

He reaches over to the small table next to the tub with the charcuterie board and grabs a cube of cheese.

He pops it off tho my mouth then grabs a couple grapes for himself.

I wait until he finishes chewing then pull his head down for a kiss.

"Mmm taste grapey." I laugh

"And you taste like Gouda. Wait is grapey even a word?" He smiles

"Shut up."

We sit in silence for a while more eating an array of cheese, fruit, and meats. And watching whatever this movie is.

So far from watching it, I've gotten that this guy and girl were childhood friends but the girl moved away so they lost touch. But now the girl moves back and they bump into each other. They rekindle and have feelings for her but problem is they're both married.

And that's all I've seen so far

And yes I've since had a few more bottles. So I am very drunk. Damien is as equally wasted.

"Do you want a blowjob?" I turn and face Damien
A am
"That was very random." He says with an amused look

"So no?"

"Mmm, no no. You giveth and I shall gladly taketh."

"Ok, Mr. renaissance." I joke

I grab his never to get him hard but I find that he already partially hard.

I look up at Damien with a are you serious look.

"What? Your literally sitting on me naked and you just asked something sexual. What did you expect?"

I just smirk

I pump his member a few more times.

I dip my head under the water and take his member into my mouth.

I won't drown. I can hold my breath for a good five minutes under water.

I bob my head up and down his shaft. I can hear Damien's muffled moans through the water.

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