*🔥Last wish🔥*

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"So, you're daring me to end your existence here and now?" he scoffed with a chilling nonchalance. Despite my fervent efforts to repel him, it was as if I were pushing against an immovable force; he remained utterly unshaken. "You can't kill me," I declared, the words a tumultuous mix of fear and defiance. Our struggle continued, a futile dance of resistance, until he abruptly altered his tactic, not weakened but strategic. He seized both my hands with an unexpected swiftness, lifting them above my head. In that moment, my sense of control evaporated—I was utterly immobilized, my attempts at resistance rendered meaningless against his overpowering strength.

"How can you be so certain?" he taunted, his smirk widening as he observed my helplessness. The fury in his eyes remained undiminished, yet there was a perceptible shift in his demeanor, a relaxation that spoke of his confidence in having subdued me. "You're entirely at my mercy now. Should I choose to, a mere snap of my fingers could erase your memories of this night, or, perhaps more permanently, end your life here in this shadowed alley," he threatened with a venomous tone.

"Ha! As if... Your tricks won't work on me," I countered with as much conviction as I could muster, though his proximity—a mere breath away—sent a wave of panic coursing through me.

In the midst of our confrontation, an unexpected thought crossed my mind—why was I suddenly compelled to kiss him? Was it the sheer helplessness of my situation, or perhaps his undeniable allure? I shook my head, trying to dispel the absurd notion. "Focus! Anger, not attraction," I sternly reminded myself. This brief inner dialogue snapped me back to reality, just as he seemed momentarily distracted by his own confidence.

Seizing the opportunity, I mustered all my strength and aimed a swift kick to his vulnerable spot. The effect was immediate: he doubled over in agony, his grip loosening enough for me to break free.

Without a moment's hesitation, I bolted. The sound of his pained groans faded behind me, but my heart was set on a more pressing mission. The hospital beckoned me—not for rest, but to fulfill my duties. Mr. Min's family awaited news, and other patients needed care; I couldn't afford to lose more time battling a vindictive grim reaper infuriated by my very existence.

Hailing a cab, I urgently explained the need for haste. "To Seoul's hospital, and quickly, please!" The urgency in my voice spurred the driver into action, navigating through the city's veins with efficiency. Upon reaching the hospital, I didn't pause for breath, dashing from the cab straight to the emergency area, my mind racing with thoughts of the victims and their conditions.

The moment I entered, I grabbed a lamp and a stethoscope from the front desk, essentials for the tasks ahead. The emergency room buzzed with a controlled chaos, the air thick with tension and concern. "I need an update now!" I demanded, my voice cutting through the commotion.

Nurse Seo promptly provided a rundown. "Car crash victim, female, 38 years old, presents with three broken ribs, a minor head concussion, scratches, and hematomas. She's unconscious but not in life-threatening danger." Across the room, Nurse Kim added, "Another victim, a male child of 8, has several hematomas and a broken femur but remains conscious." I nodded, processing the information as Dr. Yoon and Dr. Choi diligently attended to the woman and the young boy, respectively.

Nurse Kim approached with a somber update. "Dr. Lee, there was another victim in the car crash, but he's been declared dead already." My heart sank with the weight of those words, the memory of the declaration vivid in my mind. "I know," I replied softly, "I was there. I made the declaration." Without another word, I immersed myself in the work that lay before me, driven by a commitment to heal and comfort those caught in the aftermath of tragedy.

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