The Storage Room Of Mystery

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Sam had just moved to Keswick because her parents got new jobs . Her new house is only minutes away from the school so she was going to walk to school everyday  . She grabbed her purple backpack and ran out the door with joy .

'' this is going to be the best day of my life " she repeatedly said

When she got to school the principal was waiting for her at the office .

" Welcome to our school , we hope you have a great day " her principal said with an inviting smile . Before Sam left , the principal passed her a blue sticky note . She opened it and it said who her teacher was . The name Mr Rocersol was next to every period besides lunch .

" I guess I'll get to know Mr Rocersol very well " she said somewhat confused . She took the stairs up to room 201 . Mr R ocersol was blocking the door so she politely said

'' can you please move , this is my classroom ''

He said that there was no way she would be able to enter with the outfit she was wearing so she went to her locker and grabbed her gray hoodie . Her locker was 10 minutes away from her class so by the time she got back to her classroom , it was 10:00 am . Mr Rocersol was at his desk so she quickly walked over to say hello .

" Much better samuel , much more appropriate for a young boy " he said

Sam was confused because she is clearly a girl and she is even wearing a name tag with her name and pronouns on it .

" I'm sorry sir but my name is not Samuel , I'm Sam . I am also a girl , that is why i'm wearing a dress " she stuttered but tried her best to appear non intimidated . She ran out of the room to her locker and Mr Rocersol followed her . She ran into the nearest classroom and surprisingly , it was empty . She locked the door before she even looked to see what room it was . It was the custodian's closet . Now Sam was less confused about why people weren't there . She sat there for a few minutes when suddenly she heard the sound of a camera flash . She looked up and saw Mr Rockersol in the open vent . She went to open the door but the door knob came off . Mr Rockersol grabbed Sam's arm and dragged her into the vent . Sam was screaming and crying , she was scared for her life . She closed her eyes and hoped he wouldn't hurt her . She suddenly didn't hear any noises . She thought he left but when he opened her eyes , he saw former classmates lying on the floor , purple and unconscious . She turned around and Mr ockersol had closed the door on her . She went there . He was holding a weapon , Sam couldn't tell what it was because she was scared . Before she knew it , she couldn't see anything , even with her eyes open . She was gone , never to be seen again . Mr Rockersol went through the vents and into his classroom .

" Where's the new girl , sam " asked one student

" I haven't seen her since she ran out the class earlier " said another

Mr Rockersol didn't want anyone to know what he did to sam so he said

" She didn't like this school ! She is moving back to Alaska ! " he quickly said

Many students questioned him but after all , he was the teacher they had since middle school . Grace knew this couldn't be correct . Sam was very happy , she was only scared of Mr Rockersol . She also was from Newmarket , not Alaska . Grace brought her story to the office and demanded that they search for Sam . Grace only knew Sam for one period but she knew that the right thing to do was to let the office know she was missing . The principal went on the intercom and called all the students , staff and teachers to the gym . She sat on her spinning chair until a student questioned if they needed to be there . Grace walked in from behind the stage and asked everyone to line up in lines of 10 people . Everyone scurried into their groups as fast as possible . She went group by group trying to get someone to give her more information than she ran in the hallway . It was Madame Greenhouse's group's turn . Daniel said nothing . Neither did taylor , harriet , nora , jane , kate or layla . It was the back of the last line and Grace was losing hope .

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