It not his falut Part 2

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August P.O.V.

August:  What you mean this not his first time losing his memory's??

Ashley:  It happened before when he was 14 and even since he couldn't remember certain things from his childhood.. like him making the sextape... and other things

August:  How did it happened?  The first time...

Ashley:  It an long story but his it go. Me and Chris hated each other at one point... well I hated him....alot..

August: Why?

Ashley:  Chris was secretly going out with this dude name Trent in high school and Me and Trent was support to be going out with me and he just using me as a cover up.. and when I found out l was piss so I told Trent and he completely ignore it saying that he love me and that it was bullshit.  So one day after school I follow Trent home or aleast I though he was going home but he was really going to met chris at this old warehouse.. following him inside.  I saw him and Chris so I confirm him and he completely blame it on Chris....

August:  So your boyfriend was cheating on you with Chris?  That still answer the

Ashley:  Let me finish!

August:  Sorry

Ashley:  God... where was I...o Yea.. anyway he was saying that Chris was focusing him to..but I don't believe the shit and then he got mad and left... leaving me and Chris alone. So I start arguing with him and I sort of push him out of a window... 2 story's...

August:  What?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!  You should have killed him..

Ashley:  I know I run to see was he OK... and when he woke up.. he don't remember anything... that he went out with Trent... or his Best friend at the time

August:  So what did he remember?

Ashley:  Like I said he remember certain things... like.. he still remember that his father rape him... but not the sextape...

August:  what the fuck... did you take him to the doctor?

Ashley:  No...he refuse to...

August:  You sure have force him to...

Ashley:  I try!  But Chris is alot smarter then we give him credit for...

August:  So that how y'all to become best friends?

Ashley:  Yea... I guest that was the good part of it...

August:  So who was his best friend before he lose his memory?

Ashley:  I don't know someone name....Rebecca I think her name was..

August:  So.. how DID y'all become friends exactly?

Ashley:  That another story.. but that not  important at the moment

August:  I guest you right

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It feel weird typing my own name in the story

I'm sorry Chris :Memory LostWhere stories live. Discover now