anotha one 😉

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My nan is a kind person, your typical nan, she makes food and looks after me when my mum is working, one thing that stands out about MY nan from all the other nans is, despite being 78 years old she still has a magnificent ass, an absolute bouncy castle behind, theres not a day that goes by that i don't have a gander at it, it may sound weird, being sexually attracted to my nan, but at the end of the day, love is love, and i love that wrinkly dump truck she waddles around with. one night, at my nans house, my mum was on a business trip, nan was sleeping and i was pretty horny, i tippie toed to my nans bed, and snuck under her covers when she was sleeping, i started to smell something, it smelt like fecal matter and wet wipes, i wandered closer to the smell and found myself at her ass, i did not hesitate, i smothered my face into her wrinkly ass crack and rested my face there for a few minutes, the pleasure was great, i literately came in my boxers and my dick was so hard, my nan never found out, it was just me and my thoughts

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