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All images in this book will prob be mine btw

Credits go to

Quackity woke up in a random house confused but scared

Knock knock

C-cum(🤨) in

He saw a fox

Fundy: hi


Fundy:we got food downstairs if you wanna eat

Dream:Fundy where are you~

Fundy:fuck a duck wait srry u are a duck srry so sorry

Quackity just giggled


Quackity recognized the voice but didn't really think about it

George came in the room


George: that's me

Quackity started crying and saying srry like he killed sum one

Karl and sapnap walked in

Karl: what's wrong

Sapnap:Is he ok?!

George: he is having a panic attack

Sapnap:Fundy knows how to deal with panic attacks

They all look at Fundy

Fundy:well idk what he likes

George: singing jokes boys-

Fundy:I can't do any of those

Fundy:ik something

George's face was like this 😃

Fundy: do we still have the drums


Fundy:bring them in here

Once they had the drums

Fundy:leave all of you


Once they leave

Fundy:I'll just play I write  sins not tragedies

Fundy:hey Alex can you sing


Do you know the song called I write sins not tragedies Fundy asked

Yea quackity said

Wanna sing it and I can do the drums?

Yea..... Quackity said still crying


After that show

George came in

Georg:never knew you could sing that good quackity

In fundys mind :I can get away

Fundy tried to walk pass him

George:don't think I didn't forget fundy~

Credits go to⬇️

Credits go to⬇️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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