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~~ Goldie's PoV two days before last chapter~~

"Do you have everything?"

I look up at Ballora. She came over with Baby, Gabe (funtime freddy), and Fifi (funtime foxy) to help me finish up. I see Gabe even brought over Bo, short for Bon Bon, his pet bunny. I smile. They call their little group 'Ennard'. It's pretty funny.

"Im just missin a few things from the store."

Baby steps forward and places her hand on her hip in a sassy tone. "If it's more of those weird chips you like then we won't say goodbye to you. You have a whole suitcase full of snacks from this god forsaken town."

I chuckle and pat her head. "No. I mean like a couple zipties and medication restocks." I see her blush in embarrassment and turn away. She cares most about us but acts like she doesn't.

"You guys wanna take a last trip around town with me?" I hold up the car keys I took out of Ballora's pocket. I see her scowl at me for a second.

"Hey quit talking like you'll never see us again idiot." Fifi steps toward me and helps me zip up my suitcase with clothes. By sitting on it while I forcefully zip it up.

"But I'll barely see you guys. It's like a 40 hour bus ride away." I shove a change of clothes into my back pack for when I change bus stops.

"Well yes, but we'll be calling on video and everything. It'll just be a little different. We can also send each other our usual gifts through mail." Ah Ballora. Our voice of reason. She's so wise. She may be my age but I've seen her as a mother my whole life.

I start tearing up. "But. What if we all slowly get busy and lose communication with each other? What if we don't tell each other everything like usual and- and you all suddenly just disappear or I-"

Baby slaps me across the face. I look at her and see she's also tearing up. "Shut up. That won't happen. You're like my brother. No, you are our brother-"

"I dunno bout that. I think I see him as my sugar daddy-"

"Shut the fuck up Gabe. Anyway, we love you. We refuse to lose contact with you. And if a week goes by without contact I will drive over there and make sure you're okay then beat you up."

"Babes, your license was suspended remember?"

"Gabe if you interrupt me again I'll fuck Fifi right in front of you." That got Gabe to shut up and get a chuckle out of Fifi.

"Goldie," Baby starts again, this time her look is soft. "We won't forget you. I'm gonna say this once and you didn't hear it from me." She looks away and has a far away look. "We sought out help because you encouraged us. We slowly started losing ourselves as we got older because shit happened but you made sure we didn't. Send us back to hell if we ever drop you. We will forever be in your debt. So don't think we'll abandon you because we won't."

My vision is blurry with tears. Well my left eye that isn't covered by my hair. I look at all of them and they're all standing tall. They've all accepted that the stuff happened and they're not afraid anymore. They've either confronted their trauma or are working through it.

I start crying because of how much their words mean to me and because I'll miss them all so much. They all come forward and capture me in a group hug. Over the years we've all established our positions for group hugs. We all have a place within each other and it's unbreakable. I feel something wet against my neck and I realize we're all crying.

We sit there for a bit just embracing each other. Eventually we get up. It's my final few hours and I wanna spend it with my family and saying goodbye to important people in this town.

GoldTrap- Trust me (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now