The Kill

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Vance Devereuxs Point of view.

I wake up to someone Kissing My Shoulder. I turn and Kiss her Lips saying" Morning Alexandera"

She's my Play thing. I'm hers. We're Best friends, lovers, Partners in Crime... Literally. If only the world knew who we really are. COLD blooded Assassins.

But the world only knows us as Billionaire Business people.

Pillars of Society. Givers to the poor and Friends to the Rich.

Alex jumps on me and Starts Kissing my Chest. I moan and Stroke her hair back. Saying" you know I'm Going To Marry you one day" she Hits me with a Pillow saying" Very Funny" I laugh at her saying" Syke"

Were just not the Marrying type. But we are the" Move in together and Grow old together as Boyfriend and girlfriend" type.

She Smiles" Kids some day?" I smile softly" Absolutely" she Giggles" God I love you" I rest her head on my shoulder saying" I love you too Sweatheart" I kiss Her On her forehead saying" I'm not Going to work today. No assignments"

Alexa" likewise" I roll over and Pin her to the bed saying" My turn" I pull down her Thong and start sucking her Vagina. Going deep into her Clit.

Alexa" Holy...."

Alexa" ahhhhhhh" she Moans in pleasure, Cumming on my Face. Eh.... I asked for it.

Alexa strokes my now bald head saying" I'll marry you anytime you want. If you want to"

I grin" Nope. Your mine and anyone you want is welcome to share you with me" I grin then Scowl'" After I'm dead" she Kisses my Cheek saying" Deal"

Alexas phone starts Buzzing.

Alexa" Hullo?" she Groans" Oh hullo Patrick" he's our Boss.

Alexa Tosses the phone to me saying" it's for you"

I nod.

Vance" Hey Rick... You want me to what?" I growl" Alright.... I'll make it quick"

Alexa" Interrogate. Fix or kill" I grin" Babysit Rick's Four year old twins" she let's out a Giggle" I love Jason and Zach" she Scowls" Not"

I grin" Your Not the one babysitting them and there Adorable"

Alexa" bye" I laugh" See ya.... Sucker" she Bursts Out laughing saying" Your the one Babysitting the Twins from Hell and I'm the Sucker?"

I scowl" Don't call them that" I scowl" it's not there fault your scary"

Alexa" ass" she grins smacking and squeezing my behind.

I groan" Get lost"

A while later I'm driving to the Elite Gated Community of Gold rest Acres. Where the Super Rich Elite Live. My parents Have a Massive Estate that Goes With a Humongous Fortune of Wealth Power and Status. And there Not Assassins. Just a Regular Oil Barron and Jewelry Hierress. Also two of the sweetest, Kindest people with Huge hearts and Pure souls. I got recruited by Ricky for a Reason and It's personal. I might Swing by and see My dad. Mom died 5 years ago.

I have a 12 year old Nephew. His mom died in a Car accident with mom five years ago. Ally was my Sister.

Sarah Opens the door and pulls me into the House. Saying" Your My best friend and brother. I'm psychic when it comes to you"

Rick'" Yeah. Can't even Cheat on her" he Fake Growls" She always Knows"

Both of us hit him upside his head saying" Knock it off. you Dope"

Sarah" I'd kill you if you so much as look at another woman"

Rick looks at his Mother in law. Making her Burst out laughing.

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