When The Rain Comes 2

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The next day while Theo was having lunch, a familiar sound of something or rather of someone falling to the ground was heard. Theo unconsciously smiled mid bite at the thought of the strange woman.

Theo stood up from his table and opened the door. This time the woman wasn't unconscious, she was just standing in the middle of the rain looking at the sky and a second later the rain got stronger, that seemed to frustrate the woman as she looked irritatingly at the sky but the rain just got even stronger.

Theo wondered what the hell the woman was doing and if the woman was actually crazy and had just escaped from the mental hospital. He watched as she tried to calm her anger and he was left to stare speechless, when a second later the rain seemed to calm down with her.

He took a step back in fright but the creak of his wooden floors as his weight settled on them sounded louder in the quiter rain. The woman looked at him sharply and Theo gasped, he only realized now how beautiful the woman was. Even with the stormy expression she has fixed on her face she was still the most breathtakingly beautiful woman Theo had ever seen.

He stopped, transfixed in his position as the woman disappeared in a whirlwind.

The woman had taken over Theo's mind for the next week. He would often catch himself getting sidetracked from his books. Instead of thinking about the characters as the author described them, he would imagine the strange woman in the rain.

He even burned his hand once from thinking of the woman while cooking. He immediately soaked his burned hand in the sink and smacked himself across the face for thinking of the woman again.

He berated himself that night for acting like a love struck teenager when he was already in his mid thirties. "For God's sake you're already a middle aged man!" Theo scolded himself.

The next morning, the rain came down to a light drizzle and so Theo decided to take advantage of it and read his book on the couch on his porch. Unexpectedly, Theo felt sleepier than usual and fell asleep right there on his porch with his book still in his hand.

When Theo woke up a while later, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the strange woman staring down at him from his sleeping position on the couch.

He jumped, his heart beating erratically and stared wide eyed at the woman still observing him.

"Uh-...." Theo scrambled for words.

"Was the rain that peaceful?" The woman spoke.

"Uh...ye-yeah." Theo stuttered, a bit thrown off by the seemingly normal question.

They watched each other, both not knowing what to say or do next. Then the woman snapped her fingers and the rain grew a little stronger. Theo watched in awe again at the magic the woman seemed to wield.

"You already know I can control the rain don't you?" The woman asked calmly, Theo just nodded.

"It's actually the first time I was able to turn down the rain to just a light drizzle."

"Uh, congratulations?" Theo answered in confusion and to his extreme shock, the woman smiled at him. The world stopped along with Theo's heart. She was the most heartachingly beautiful woman Theo ever had the pleasure to gaze upon. Theo forgot how to breathe and so he nearly passed out from voluntary lack of air.

"Are you alright?" The woman's face was clouded with worry as Theo tried to even his quick breathing.

"Y-yeah I'm alright." Theo averted his eyes but his reddening ears could be seen clear as day.

"What's your name?" The woman asked Theo curiously, her head tilting a little to the side.

"Theo." He looked back at her as he answered.

"What's your name?" Theo asked back.

"Pluvia." Was the woman's answer.

"Pluvia, that's a nice unique name." Theo wondered aloud.

"Thank you." The woman, Pluvia, answered.

They went quiet again, unable to come up with another topic to keep the conversation going. They stared awkwardly at one another for a few more minutes until Theo couldn't take it anymore.

"Uh, would you like to take a seat?" Theo gestured to the space beside him and Pluvia contemplated it for a bit before finally sitting down gingerly.

Once again, silence.

"Uhm, I don't know if it's okay to ask this but I'm just really curious." Theo started after another while of silence. Pluvia looked at him expectantly and Theo gulped.

"Uh, wha-what are you?" Theo asked in an increasingly smaller voice. Pluvia seemed to be amused at his reaction because she smiled a little.

"What do you think I am?" Pluvia asked Theo in return.

"Definitely not human." Theo answered as the rain visibly fluctuated around them. Pluvia's small smile returned. "Correct, any other ideas?"

"Uh-aside from you being an alien? Nothing else." Theo answered seriously and Pluvia snorted. Theo's eyes widened as he took in the beautiful woman become even more mesmerizing as she laughed.

"I'm actually more connected to this world than the aliens you think of." Pluvia spoke again after the last laugh died.

"Then if not an alien, what are you?" Theo asked genuinely intrigued. Pluvia opened her mouth but then closes it again as she looked around the surrounding that had become dark with the oncoming night.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now." Pluvia looked at Theo whose disappoinment was visible. "How about this, I'll come visit again and until then figure out what I am" Pluvia smiled as she stood up and went out into the rain.

"Then I'll be waiting." Theo stood up from his couch and watched her stand in the rain that seemed to embrace her. Pluvia observed Theo for a little more before disappearing in thin air.

That night, Theo laid in bed awake way past his bed time. His mind couldn't be calmed enough for him to drift off to sleep, no, 'couldn't be calmed' was an understatement. His mind was literally in overdrive from thinking about Pluvia. 'Just what is she?' Theo wondered not for the first time or even the tenth time since Pluvia left.

'A long wavy hair that went past her waist, brown eyes that seemed more gold than brown, the most beautiful face I've ever seen and can control the rain. If she's not an alien then just what is she? An angel? or the devil? Thinking about those golden eyes staring straight into his soul made Theo shiver. He finally forced himself to stop thinking about her when he caught a glimpse of his digital clock that said it was already past midnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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