"i bumped into him and spilled my coffee"

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- i saw him carrying the same coffee as me and felt myself drawn to him, for a chat perhaps
- i was carrying my books and he was doing the same and we both knew none of them is going to help us pass exams, but i guess we were strangers then and couldn't care less of who was the bigger bookworm
- he was the first guy to report me to teacher for eating during lectures
- he was the kind of guy who brought pizza for lunch and only ate the crust — veggies he'd toss out from windows, one time on my enemy's head
- he was dating the mary poppins of the group
- i wanted him to help revamp my wardrobe but decided against it when i realised he wasn't gay (what kind of straight guy with incredible fashion sense comes off single?)
- i had once catcalled him while he was working. not saying i am proud of it

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