Chapter 2: Hello?

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Hey, so this is my second chapter! I'm really motivated to write on this story rn so hopefully I'll get many chapters released! Enjoy :D


TW/CW swearing

'What the fuck just happened.' Karl thought to himself. 'I need to get back to work.'
Karl imagined Techno in front of him screaming at him. Karl didn't have an excuse this time, he couldn't say "oh there was a guy named Sapnap who grabbed my face and called me pretty, that's why it took so long" even though it is what happened. And who names their kid "Sapnap" anyway, a parent who wants their kid bullied for sure. Karl looked down at his hand, there it was. Sapnap's number.
"Should I call him?" Karl said quietly to himself not realizing he had arrived at the ticket counters.
"Call who?!" A familiar voice said.
"Jesus! Quackity what the hell!" Karl shouted. "You scared the shit out of me!"
"I'm sorry!" Quackity said sarcastically. "Now answer! Call who?!"
"No one.." Karl mumbled.
"Bullshit." Quackity said rolling his eyes. "Tell me!"
"Okay, okay." Karl said trying to calm the boy. He waited a bit just to make his best friend annoyed. "I'll tell you later."
"Tell me nooooooow" Quackity almost begged.
"You'll get to know later." Karl said annoying the short boy. "Now we need to get back to work, otherwise Techno will kill us"
"You have a point" Quackity said before turning his focus to his job.

Later that day

Karl sat with his co-workers in a back room chatting.
"Did y'all see Technos face when he found Karl sleeping?" A tall guy with blonde hair said.
"Yeah it was hilarious!" Quackity said.
"How do you get in trouble all the time, Karl?!" The blonde boy asked.
"I don't know Tommy." Karl said jokingly. "That will forever be an unsolved riddle."
They all giggled.
"Dude Karl. You gotta answer my question now!" Quackity said.
"Wait what question?" A boy with goggles asked.
"When Karl came back from the toilet he talked about calling someone" Quackity said. "Karl, who were you talking about?"
Karl hoped Quackity would have forgot it by now but obviously he hadn't.

"Ummm I was talking about my mum." Karl lied.
"But dude your mum doesn't even have a phone. Didn't you tell me her phone like broke or something last week." Quackity asked.
"Ooooo you can't escape anymore." Tommy said. "Come one tell usssss!"
Karl felt how he got hotter and hotter. Should he tell them about the black haired boy in the bathroom or was there another way of escaping the question?
'I think I'm gonna tell them, then they'll stop asking' Karl thought to himself.
"Okay, if you really wanna know." Karl said.
"Yeeeeesssss spill the tea!" The boy with goggles said.
"Okay, there was this boy in the bathroom. He started talking to me randomly. He asked if I worked there and I said yes, of course. I don't know why but out of nowhere he grabbed my jaw." Karl started.
"WAIT WHAT?!" Quackity gasped. "Holy shit!"
"Stop interrupting dude!" Tommy said.
"Okay sorry!" Quackity said.
"Okay chill out guys. Let me continue." Karl said. "Well he grabbed my jaw and told me i was pretty. Then he wrote his number on my hand and told me to call him, and then he just disappeared."
"Are you gonna call him?!" Tommy asked.
"I don't know." Karl answered. "That was what i was thinking about."

"I think you should." Quackity said.
"I mean if you think he was hot, you definitely should." The boy with goggles said.
"I agree with George." Tommy joked.
"Oh well, you gonna call him?" Quackity asked.
"I don't know." Karl answered. "I need more time to think about it. He's just some random dude in a bathroom who gave me his number."
"Fair enough." Quackity said.
Karl checked the clock on his phone.
"Shit!" Karl said out of nowhere. "I really need to go home. It's already 9 PM!"
"Oh well then I also gotta get home." Tommy said.
"Me too!" George said fast.
"I ain't going home alone, I'm coming too." Quackity said.

Karl, Tommy, Quackity and George started walking out in the lukewarm summer evening. After a while they all split up and started going home to their apartments and houses.
Karl took up his phone and headphones. He put on some music and wandered through the cozy evening. Eventually he was at his apartment, it was kinda small. There was a bedroom/living room, kitchen and a bathroom. Enough room for one person. Karl pulled out his headphones and laid down in his bed. A lot of stuff happened today, weird stuff. He laid there awhile and just thinked about everything that's happened. He didn't like to think about Sapnap, it made him angry for some reason. Karl got up and started to play a movie to get his mind on something else than Sapnap. He then went back to his cozy bed. The movie didn't help, obviously.
'I mean, what's the worst possible thing that could happen if I called the number?' Karl thought. 'I have no reason not to call him.'
This whole thing was so weird.
'I should at least try, he probably won't even answer.' Karl thought while slowly reaching for his phone in his pocket. He pulled out the phone, looked at his hand. The numbers were almost completely smudged out but he could still see the numbers clearly, he could almost feel the pen write the number combination on his hand all over again. Karl slowly typed in the number.

The phone started making the usual calling noises.
'He won't answer' Karl thought.
Suddenly the noises stopped.
'No fucking way' He thought
Karl heard slow quiet breathing.



Ayup, I hope you enjoyed again! This took a long time😭

Gotta stay on the grind😩💪💪💪
Drink water and eat a cookie! Take care of yourselves :D

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