Chapter 1 : Moving away

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   I don't like leaving the people I care about.
   Lemme be exactly ; It hurts leaving the people I care about.

   And it hurts bad.

   I was 17 when I found out I had to move to Chicago. My dad had a business trip in there, and sadly, it was a permanent one.
I didn't wanna leave LA. I had my family and friends there. I even managed to grow up with my grades in school and things couldn't be any perfect for me. But somehow, after good comes bad. That's what my grandmother used to say everytime we saw eachother. She was the strongest person I ever met. Her heart was pure and her smile was enough for me to see to make me happy. After my mother's death, she was there for me everytime I needed someone by my side.

   Besides her, there was this girl.
   My best friend, to be exactly.

   We had known eachother since kindergarten and been besties for a long time now. This was our last summer together before I had to leave and I wanted to make the best out of it. We spent every single day shopping, laughing and having sleepovers and yet I still felt like it wasn't enough. Her name was Annabelle and she had a black curly hair and green eyes, with long hands and glasses. She loved geography. A lot, actually. She knew every question I used to ask her when we studied for a test at it. I knew that Annabelle wanted to be a geography teacher since the first day we met eachother. It was her biggest dream, and when you have a dream, you do your best to make it real, which was exactly what she did. I can't explain with words how much I admired her for that.
The day came and I arrived with my dad at the airport. He took the bags inside and told me to get in the plane in three minutes, or else I'm gonna be late.
She took my hand and whispered slowly:
   -It's okay. Don't cry. I'm sure you'll have fun and find new friends in there. I'll be here waiting for you when you come back, okay?
   I wanted to hug her one last time and tell her how much I'm gonna miss the days we spent together and that nothing is gonna be the same without her and my grandmother in my life.

   I couldn't leave like that.
   I didn't want to leave at all, actually.

   I got inside the plane in time and I sat next to my dad who didn't stop looking at the window. What was so interesting about it? I wanted to ask him, but then when I opened my mouth to talk, I stopped. Let's just say that Nikolas Liebre hasn't been the same since his wife's death. There hasn't been a day without him laughing in the kitchen, without making jokes and without playing with me before she passed away, but when it happened, he practically turned off his emotions. I haven't seen him smile since that. I knew that one of the worst decisions I could ever make was to ask him about it. I didn't want trouble, so I just asked with a quiet voice, that I didn't even thought he would hear at all:
   -It's for the best, Alice. I'm sure you'll learn to love it. Just be patient and everything will be alright.
   He couldn't understand how I truly felt and I didn't wanna continue the conversation. Even if I had, that wouldn't change anything about the situation and pissing him off was the last thing I wanted in that moment.
   So, with all the tears I had on my face, I decided to just let it go and see what's gonna happen next. A new chapter of my life was coming after me and even if I wanted or not, I had to face it.

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