Chapter 1:Heroes vs Villians

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"Welcome to Total Drama All Stars!After my involuntary year long "vacation".I really need to be in a famillar environment ,surrounded by the people I love!To hurt.*insert chris laugh*" (I'm too lazy to write the rest of what Chris is saying in the intro).

"So I'm bringing back 16 TD All stars to battle it out in the most dangerous justifying 1M Dollars competition ever.Here they are now from ROTI say hello to.."

"And from the original cast.."
"And...Ezkeiel!..Haha kidding,aint no way he coming back."

"Greetings old friends." Chris says
Heather:I am not your friend!
Lindsay:Aw someone misses her honey bunny.
Heather:Who Alejandro?As if!I'm glad he isn't back,that handsom jerk.
Y/N:So are we gonna just dry off or what we going to do?
Chris:Anyways,we got a lot of big changes for this season.1 the island is 100% toxic waste free.
Sam:What?I only came back to get up close and personal with some toxic goop so I can become a kick butt mutant like my girl Dakota!
Chris:Gee too bad.Guess its gonna be a no pain no game for you then.On the upside I upgraded your accommodations this season,the losers skill out to sleep in the same old stanky cabin.
Y/N:I hate my life
*insert everyone else whining*
Chris:But the winners get to say in an all new eco friendly spa hotel!
*insert everyone cheering now*
Chris:And in honor of your all star status I'm dividing you into teams based on your past performances.Heroes vs Villians!
Heather:Obv,I'll be on the villians team and I'll be running it by lunch!
*confessional starts again*
Gwen:Heroes vs Villians?Guess Duncan and I won't be on the same team.Unless Chris considers Duncan a hero.*laughs*Yeah right.
*confessional ends*
Heather,Duncan,Lighting,Jo,Scott,and Gwen.You are the villianous vultures!
Gwen:What?Why am I on the villians team?
Courtney:Because you stole my bf and became the new Heather?
Chris:Yeah like she said.
Y/N,Mike,Zoey,Cameron,Sam,Courtney,Lindsay,And Sierra.Your the Heroic Hamsters!
Courtney:Excuse me how are hamsters heroic?
Chris:It was that or the Heroic Hippos.

And thats why you shouldn't complain Courtney.I thought this shit was finally gonna start but then Jo complained that we have 8 players and they have 6,then Jo started doing her stare at Chris.Then they got the robot,what if the robot cheats for the team like you know?I am not dumb though I could tell that robot was Al you see how the robot was trying to get close to Heather?Nobody does that only Al does,plus we didn't see him for a long time after Heather slided him off a volcano.Chris was finally talking about the challenge and I knew it was gonna be something bad,our 1st challenge was finding a key to the spa hotel I thought it was gonna be maybe a little easy until he said we gonna be cliff diving into fricking water WITH SHARKS.Man I'm excited to see Scott's reaction.The thing is we had to run all the way to the flipping cliff,Mike was right though we should change into our swimsuits but Chris was being a bitch so we didn't get to wear our swimsuits.While we were walking to the cliff Sam asked Sierra why shes back I knew she was going to say something about Cody and I was right.I heard Jo and Heather arguing but Gwen said they didn't have to act like Villians everyone decided that was a good idea but something was off ain't no way all of them will agree with her.I decided to look back just in case if we lost anyone but I saw Courtney glaring at Gwen,guess shes still jealous about Duncan and Gwen kinda miss Duncan x Courtney but only in Season 1.Anyways finally we got to the shore but we came all the way there just for baby carriages,I was suggesting that I should drive because I'm pretty fast but Courtney just chose Lindsay idc though I'm probably a better diver anyway.Now we actually have to walk all the way to the cliff god Chris is annoying,I decided to look down then I saw Fang Scotts reaction was priceless well Scott might be dead today.I wanted to go first but Courtney already went I mean thats fine atleast I'm not the 1st target,then I saw Zoey tearing up behind me "Yo Zoey uh are you okay does the sharks scare you?" I said I'm bad at comforting people she said that Mike doesn't like her back damn they were totally flirting in ROTI idk what happened to that.I just said "Why would you like a guy that cant even see how amazing and smart you are?" She actually likes my comforting I finally comforted someone successfully for once.Sadly Lindsay doesn't know where to go even though shes an OG I was suprised but thats Lindsay I just hope she finds out the way I looked behind me and Sierra was talking to Gwen and Duncan about her blog,I'm surprised though because I only see Duncey(Duncan X Courtney) shippers on the internet then I was happy when Sierra went because her love for Cody is strong as hell that she can do anything so I wasn't afraid that Sierra will die.Then Mike looked down then said to me "Uh you think shes okay" I looked at him and said "Yeah ik shes okay" "Whats your name again-Oh your Y/N from the Original Season!" Mike smiles at me I smiled back "Yeah and your Mike,don't worry I know about your multiple personalitys!" We both laugh also I think I was the only person that saw Sierra sit on Courtney ouch that must've hurt.Mike was going next I didn't want to feel awkward so I just gave him a hug for good luck,seemed like he liked my hug so much that he accidentally pushed Gwen over too.I was hoping he was okay then he was on Fang's head just upside down I'm suprised Fang didn't seem him then I decided to get a random thing and threw hard ass rocks on the sharks then Mike literally just flipped over again I wanted to laugh so hard but I don't wanna be awkward Mike got a key but he saw Courtney was in there,if I was him I be scared and shocked too.I decided to go after him and dived there I'm pretty sneaky so the sharks didn't see me I got a key and ran to the carriage thing,I went to the door "DAMN IT ITS THE WRONG KEY" well back we go Scott was scared as fuck to go he was so scared that he knocked the robot down damn that must've hurt when he feel on those rocks.Then the final reveal was Al when he winked in the sun I screamed "I KNEW IT WAS AL" but since he has been in that robot for a year his legs are dead man how tf is he gonna walk then?But the Vultures won which means we had to vote someone out I voted for Courtney because I wanted too."Okay the following people are safe...Y/N,Mike,Cameron,Sierra,Zoey,Sam...Lindsay you are on the chopping block for driving slow,Courtney your on the chopping block for making Lindsay drive.So the loser is...............*intense music* Lindsay." I was concerned that there was a new elimination thing it was a fucking toliet it looks digusting but when Chris flushes it the toliet water is everywhere it literally got on us we probably smell bad now,wondering how the villians are doing.

Me and Him(Mal Tdi x Female Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora