episode 1

17 3 2

(Phone)                                                                {12.00pm)

Soon yeeh: hey akif are you free today??(text)

Akif: hii yess i guess i just finish cleaning my room.

Soon yeeh: oh hahah wow so rajin la , maybe do you want to have a sleepover at my house?

Akif: lol! preety much, yeahh sureee i would love to since im really bored at home😂

Soon yeeh: alrighttt i guess i will pick you up at 5.pm?

Akif: suree see yaa

Soon yeeh: see ya 😉



Soon yeeh: oh fuck! i forgot i have to pick up akif.. urgh dang it, wheres my car keys. There it is.

         IN CAR

Soon yeeh: *starts car engine*

after a minutes driving--


  Soon yeeh: i guess this is akif house.. now where is he, let me call him. (Calling)

At house/

Akif: *at dining table eating*
whos calling..? , ohhh its lim soon yeeh
"Heyy soon yeeh", "hey are u at home , im in front of your house come down."
"oh really yeah wait im going down i was eating!"



Akif: hiiii im so sorryy i just finished eating lunch!

Soon yeeh: hahaha its fine come in *opens door for akif*

Akif: thanksss u dont have to do that ahha

Soon yeeh: nono its okay its my pleasure

Akif: soooo.. why do you want me to sleep at your house today?

Soon yeeh: nothing im just bored. Plus i bought another imac book so ig we can play genshin together?

Akif: ohh hahah okay.. wow again?? tonight is going to be funn im excited to play genshinn!!

Soon yeeh: IN MIND/ fuck im really horny i guess tonight i will fuck him i just really cant hold it anymore and he so cute.

Soon yeeh:haha of coursee

Akif: smiling in happinesss


At soon yeehs home

Akif: woahh your room is so bigg!!

Soon yeeh: just like my cock.

Akif: HHAHAHAH niceee joookeee
btw why is there only one bed am i supposed to sleep at the floor??

Soon yeeh: no only one bed because we will sleep tgt tonight 😏

Akif: 0_0... anywayssss can we play genshin now :D

Soon yeeh: sure sure but i havent download it on the laptop let me do it for you.

Akif: ohhh then i guess i have to wait for a whilee

Soon yeeh: yep you can play on my pc first while waiting i will watch u play.. plus im going to make quick snack

Akif: okeyyyy thanksss 😼



Soon yeeh: fuckk why did it hard right now.. should i just fuck him now? NO not now yeeh he  probaly hates it, i guess i have to wait until he fell asleep tonight.



Akif: awwhh why is it so hard to kill this hillichurl :(

Soon yeeh: the snack is done

Akif: yummm smellsss delicioussss!!
gimme alll nyum nyum *eats*

Soon yeeh IN MIND dang i cant really hold it hes just so cute  FUCK WHY IS IT HARD RN ITS A BAD TIMING

Soon yeeh: hahaah *takes pillow to cover ykyk*
is it good?

Akif: Yesh nyum ish versy gyood -talks in full mouth-

Soon yeeh: dont eat too fast hahaha 😂

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