CHAPTER 1- I'm Taeki

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"Good morning TAE-SHII!!!"
You haven't woken up yet?? Aah come on wake up & fresh yourself...or else granny is coming with her stick & you know very well that what will happen then, don't you?

It's six in the morning & a very loud voice is echoing in my room

Of course I'm not a early morning person but Jiminshii's granny I'm living with them, waking up early morning with this loud voice is on of my daily routines.

I have been living with them for two years now and they both are so lovely people. His granny is too caring and always a strict person when it's comes to our health like any other normal granny of course. So waking up early in the morning is on of her healthcare instructions -

Yeah...Yeah I know ! I'm up..I'm up...(Still on the bed*)
& Yes Jimin is my human alarm clock-

Okay Tae! Get ready and come downstairs

Yaaa!! Jiminshii!!!!!! I've told you many times before to not to call me by that NAME!!!!!!......Taeki!!!!

I'M TAEKI!!!(screams*)

And just like that Jimin left my room with a giggle huh! I just hate that name I just hate it....Then I got up from my bed and did my regular morning routine including excercise and went straight to take a bath

After refreshing myself dried my hair and I put on some comfortable but stylish clothes then I went downstairs where Jimin and his granny were waiting for me on the dining table I greeted them-

"Good morning granny!"(hug her*)
"Good morning Jimin!"(punched his shoulder)

She hugged me and greeted me back with a very warm smile and jimin hissed in pain and was about to hit me back but he felt pain again but on his head cause of the hard hit which was made by granny with her stick which helps her to walk 'obviously. Well it's not like that granny can't walk without that stick but it's little bit more better with the stick.

Seeing jimin like that I started to laugh then suddenly I also got a hit by that wooden stick on the same place as jimin. Suddenly jimin who's one hand was on his head he looked at me and I also looked at him then we both started to laugh together like crackheads. & Then granny started to scold both of us-

Aish! These kids..Have you forgotten that you two are 36 years old already??And you still fight like children??...So just stop these childish things and just eat like any other well-mannered adult understand!!!

God! will I ever be able to see my great grand children in this life??

Me and Jimin we both choked on our foods. Then jimin tried to avoid the statement which was made by granny by saying some other stuffs but those tricks doesn't stop her poor us...& now asked me-

Taeki honey you know I know , that Jiminie pabo will never listen to me but what about you?When will you get married? I want to see my great grand child you know right!?

Jimin looked at me and I was just so startled by the question. Jimin knew that I'm not comfortable with these type of questions,But I can't avoid this question because it would be very disrespectful to granny I was going to reply then suddenly Jimin said something to avoid granny's questions & this time it worked-

'Oh granny, I have a girlfriend you know right but she is not ready yet for the marriage and I'm also very busy nowadays with my works at the bakery and other stuffs then how can I married huh?! So let's end this conversation here and let me leave to the bakery as I'm the owner I have alot of things to take care of there..Okay I'm done eating so leaving bye granny! bye Tae! O-oh I mean Taeki bye hehe.

& Just like this jimin went to work and granny also went to her room to enjoy her time alone and then I did the dishes and went to my room yeah I do all the house chores with granny as I don't do any work or let's say I don't have any work to do and I also don't know which work will suite me the best! So yeah I stay all the day at home doing house chores chit chatting with granny and blah blah...
But I also want to do a job like Jimin. he owns a really big bakery in this kingdom & earns alot from it...

While lying on my bed thinking about some stuffs in my mind I suddenly got a call from Jimin from -

On the call -

Jimin - hey tae!

Taeki - Sorry sir but wrong number
I'm Taeki not Tae understand

Jimin - Yeah yeah whatever! Now listen you dumbo!

Taeki - Okay tell...

Jimin - Listen.... I forget to tell you and granny at home that today we will click few photos for the bakery and home so come to the bakery along with granny ok?

Taeki - Okay I understand! We will be there in 30 minutes.

Jimin - Ok bye!

Taeki - Bye!

Ends the call*

I told grnny about the photo stuff and as I'm already ready she told me to wait for her at the outside and of course bakery is not too far away from here so we will walk to the bakery and she loves to walk and todays weather is also beautiful for the walk...Waaa...This Kingdom is looking so damn beautiful today

At the bakery :

We are here in the bakery jimin greeted us... everything was ready the suddenly jimin said..

It will be a little late for the photographer to come but I have a for now let's click some photos with the "photographer taeki"..... Of course tae I mean taeki we also will click photos together but when granny is here and the real photographer will be late you can click some photos of granny and the bakery.

I was going to say something then suddenly granny said in joy - yeah taeki will be a great "Photographer"
After hearing that, only one thing was roaming in my mind that -

      "Me...A PHOTOGRAPHER??!!"

                   Hii! Humans 👋
               Read it carefully 👽

We met again hehe🤧
& Here is the first chapert of my first fanfiction "Photographer or Prince?"💜

After reading this some of you can wonder that-

# 1.why Kim Taehyung's I mean Tae's name is Taeki here well then for your a little information there is a plot twist with his name that's why👀✌🏻

#2. where is Y/N?? Is she here??
Then my reply is absolutely yes!!! A fanfiction is always incomplete without Y/N so yup! Y/N is here and she herself is THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST HERE!!!💜

#3. For any other questions you can ask in the comments ✨

#.And I'm sorry if you are thinking that this chapter was short and boring but this is just the first chapert hehe😅✌🏻

#About the grammatical mistakes english is not my first language lol!😂


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#The next chapter will be here as soon as possible 💜
#& please stay till the end of this story for the better-

                 Wait a minute 🙂
     .    I talked alot today too😃
   Gosh! My poor introvert soul💀

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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