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It had taken roughly thirteen minutes for the paramedics to arrive.

Chilton had, thankfully, passed out after spewing an indeterminate amount of profanities towards anyone near him. From what he heard the paramedics say before they took him away, he was likely to make a quick recovery thanks to just how clean the cut was and the attempts of the nearby scientists to stop the blood loss. He'll likely be back to his usual asshole-ish self within twelve weeks.

Minus one hand, of course.

Once Chilton had been sped away from the building, no one seemed to know what to do next. Most were standing around or murmuring to one another, but all kept a wary eye on the tank.

The strange standstill didn't last for long however, as they still had jobs to do. Jack was quick to take charge of the situation much to everyone's relief.

"Alright team, what happened today was an accident. Chilton should have known better than to shove his arm in a Mer tank without warning. Any rookie knows why that's a bad idea." Jack began, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "But despite how dangerous this Mer may prove themselves to be, it is our job to keep it alive and comfortable. Finish up your ministrations and we'll get him ready for the big tank. Will."

"Yes?" The janitor in question was moved during the chaos to sit on a nearby stool. Francis hovering nearby with towels that Will was using to clean the blood from his shaking hands.

"Go shower and change. I still need you here for when we move the Mer into the bigger tank in two hours, try to take a nap or something. You look awful."

"... Yes Sir." Will said quietly, wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep. Francis looked as if he wanted to argue with the man, placing a hand on Wills shoulder in an almost near painful vice, the dark look in his eyes could curdle milk.

What the hells he so upset about?


Will was pretty surprised to learn the Aquarium had a basement when he first started working here all those years ago.

It was pretty small, mainly consisting of the boiler room and the men's locker room. People mainly used it to store their belongings during their shifts or take a quick shower if they couldn't go home for a while or get the smell of water gunk off before they left.

Will was usually alone in the lockers due to his late work hours, which could easily spook him due to just how 'alone' it would make him feel, especially since every little sound he made bounced off the tiled walls.

After many assurances to a very concerned Francis that he was fine, he was finally alone for the first time that night. He allowed himself to relax, the lukewarm water of the cheap shower doing wonders for his tense muscles. He likely got only three hours of sleep before he was so rudely woken up and it was starting to catch up to him. He set the water to a colder temperature to chase away the drowsiness.

The water beneath his feet turned pink as the blood was washed away, Will watched the swirl of water absently as he tried to calm his breathing.

He had to admit, as much as an asshole Chilton was, he didn't deserve to be maimed like that. Though a much darker part of his mind found it very apt considering just how cocky the man acted despite his protests. He really should have known better, but refused to view the living things he owned as anything other than property.

But still, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that crawled it's way up his spine, making him curl into himself on the shower floor, forehead pressed to the wall.

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