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My name is Thomas Carter Grant and I'm the first son of America.

My father is President Fitzgerald Grant and my mother his wife First Lady Mellie grant.

My life was somewhat public my parents had me at a young age and I followed on their steps much to their charge in during my father's campaign I was 19 and I slept with a girl I had fallen for her name was Lila she was 18 brunette and we clicked she later became pregnant with my son George Casey Grant his birth would take Lila from me

This caused tension though as my father as he believed this would ruin his chances at president having a son who had a teenage pregnancy so I left his campaign trail in grief and anger with my son for some time until one day she appears Olivia pope through her I returned but only as a consultant to give aid and advice to this day my father and I have a sort of distance between us

However during my absence I met some one a man who would mold me into the perfect weapon for his organization B613 Rowan aka Command and the man who became my new father through him i became a spy and a dangerous one at that but back to my birth dad

He was elected thanks to some ... lets say intervention and i along with liv left the W.H to start OPA (Olivia pope and associates)

Let the story begin

Thomas is 21 when the story starts
George is 3 turning 4

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