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Day 2 - cursed day

Ship: Adin x Cale

I was gonna write a very cursed ship, but I like Adin x Cale a little too much hehe. 

This is the shortest book I have ever written lmao. 


Time stopped.

Cale Henituse, no Kim Roksu never believed this was a thing that could happen. It wasn't the same feeling when he uses instant, it was that kind of feeling that he believed was just a phrase people tell–but it happened just now.

A spell was planted upon Adin, the crown prince of the Mogoru Empire, during the ball held with various different kingdoms of the western continent. The chaos emerged through the room as many started to run outside the building, trying to save themself. The root of the spell was unknown after all, god knows what would happen.

Cale Henituse stood straight as his gazes blankly stared at Adin. The worries, the lingering discomfort that sweeps through his body hidden behind that stoic gaze. His heart beat heavily as he understood what the feeling meant.

A feeling so beautiful, a feeling so painful, a feeling that was defined as love. He knows it was forbidden, not because it was love between two men, but due to the actions Adin has portrayed. The pain and sins he cruelly brought upon his people, the twisted mindset that saw every human being as a pawn.

He didn't expect the man to change, nor did he expect him to love him back. He would be the one to kill the male off, yet why? Why was it he stood there frozen unable to walk the other away? His eye fixated on Adin for a while, he needs to save him. He will save him.

His gaze shifted towards Alver, asking him to hurry and look over the Raon Kingdoms nobles. He was going to be alright, after all, he had the capability to protect himself this time.

The noise died down a little as many people evacuated. It was just the two of them as well as the person who cast the spell in the room.

"Hahahahahahaha" the male covered in hood laughed. The voice was venomous, filled with hatred towards the crown prince. "Just like how you killed all of my loved ones." He started off, quickly disappearing and reappearing behind Adin.

His fingers caressed Adins cheeks as he began to speak again, "You will, by your own hands kill the one you love the most." A puff sound appeared as the male disappeared into thin air.

There were only two of them left. Both looked into each other's eyes frozen in shock. Cale could see how Adin's eyes trembled for a while. Soon it turned into anger purely visible on his face. Cale wanted to scoff. Did this man even love or care about somebody other than power?

"Run," Adin growled. His hand was trembling as if he was holding himself back. "If the spell only makes you attack the people you love, I'll be fine."

Cale slowly moved forward, halting his movement as he watched Adin step behind. "I'll stay here and keep you from attacking anyone you actually love." Because love between them was only one-sided, he had seen the hatred Adin had for him. The look fluctuated on him every time they met.

"I mean it Cale Henituse! Run!" Adin growled yet again. His palm rested against the pole as he looked towards Cale with a desperate gaze.

"I told you I will be fine! I'll make sure everybody is safe." Cale spoke slowly walking towards Adin.

"You're the only one in danger!" Adin scream, yet Cale looked at him in confusion. He didn't understand, no he failed to recognize the wording of the sentence. "What do you mean? I will be alright, I understand you don't fancy me-" Cale's words got cut off right in the middle, yet except for complaining, he stood their frozen

"I love you! God dammit!" Adin snarled, concrete fracturing under his fingers. "I love you! Do you hear me?" Depreateness and helplessness were visible on Adin's face. "Now RUN." 

The world around Cale froze as if somebody had pointed their gun right against their heart. His heart was beating louder as if at any moment it could explode. The short joy that blamed through his body quickly got sealed as his feet began to move once more.

He knew this love that bloomed between them. The love that nobody believed could ever bud either. It had to come to an end somehow. Better by his own hands. Better in his own arms. But now right now. Not at this moment.

His hands moved towards the trembling man's face. Slowly caressing his cheeks as he brought the said male into his embrace.

"It's going to be fine," he whispered. "It will wear off soon enough." It was a spell, not a curse. Spells were bound to wear off sooner or later.

"Stop it." Adin gritted his teeth even more. "Stop giving me false hope." the might crown prince, who never spoke weakly nor showed his weakness held a weak voice.

"But I'm not?" Cale questioned and looked at Adin more confused. "You love me?" Adin questioned. "No, I despise you." Adin flinched at the words as Cale continued. "I despise you with all my heart," Cale spoke as he hugged Adin even more.

"How dare you..." Cale added as their forehead met, while their eyes interlocked. "How dare you make me fall in love with you, knowing well that we can't be together."

Adin's eyes slowly widen as he fully registered Cale's words.

"How dare you make my heart beat at an abnormal speed every time I am around you," Cale complained as he felt Adin's hands slowly wrap around his waist. "How dare you make me feel certain ways when I am supposed to hate you." Their bodies leaned closer as their pose touched each other.

"How dare you make me say 'I love you' when I was supposed to say 'I'll kill you.'" As soon as those words ended, the two pairs of lips attached to each other. As if they were right where they were supposed to be.

They knew they were enemies. They knew this love was forbidden. However, for now, time had stopped for both of them, as they told each other how much they loved each other through their heated kiss.

The hatred, the love, the pain, the sorrow, the affection, and many types of feeling was showcased in a single kiss.

Even if they were to be enemies for their internal lifetimes, they would accept it for they knew they had internal lifetimes together.

They were destined, yet were enemies.

Their love was cursed, yet was bittersweet.

"You know how this ends, would you still love me?" Cale asked in between the kiss. "Yes," Adin replied as they continued.

Till death does us apart was rather a curse for the two, yet the love that ignited so brightly inside of them, they'd just take it, hoping at least one of the lifetime the other would be theirs. 


Lmao, I was gonna write this in a very angsty way but chose not to ;) 

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