The detectives savior. - prompt 1

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before anything I thought I'd state that I'm doing my best on my previous story. So I thought I write another story to blow off some steam. The reader in this is gender neutral , so any pronouns are available to use, though they will mostly only be used with characters such as Ellie or  Nick. This is dedicated to a friend of mine, I hope you all enjoy.                                                                                         ------------------------------------------     

You have been traveling for a while now, finally finding and affording a place within diamond city. You, Reader Settled down near the Valentine agency the neon sign catching your eye each time. One day you finally decide to visit, just for the hell of it I mean who just randomly chooses a neon sign out of all the things? You wouldn't know, you haven't seen lights like that since you passed Goodneighbor. Goodneighbor was nice place you wouldn't lie, it was just to.. rowdy per say.  When entering you see someone, she looked slightly like a secretary you wouldn't lie. So you asked her where the detective was, but all she did was look at you with sad eyes and told you, that you just missed him. You asked him where he last went, all she said was that he was on a mission but hasn't returned yet. You felt as if you should help him, so you asked her where he was last seen.  

She told you by the old park street station, he was working on a case with some family's daughter going missing. As you head out you grab a few weapons and enough ammo, and some stimpacks for safe measures. As you head past Piper she waves at you as you pass, most people call her nosey you see her as a great friend and a good listener. You pass the copper door that has saved so many lives, you wonder how long it has been standing but that thought was cute short as the generator in the nearby turret disrupted your thought. A few guards told you to stay safe, or good luck out there as you headed to park street station. As your slowly head there, you encounter some raiders and ghouls. Sighing with relief as you arrive, the calm sound was sort lived as you entered the station you see some people talking about some dude named Skinny Malone.

As you step down cautiously, the voicing growing slightly louder as your get closer. You hear light steps behind you, you turn you head as if it's on a swivel. Only to see nothing, listening closely to the voices you hear them start walking away. You slowly walk out there to get tackled by a tiggerman. You let out a light yelp of surprise, before they cover you mouth quickly. As they try to grab your weapon you quickly set a knife to their abdomen, you quickly take action and stab them there, you quickly turn around a hold their neck and place heavy pressure under their jaw cutting off  their ability and slowly making them start struggling to breath and even speak. As they faint from the lack of oxygen, you decide to try disguise yourself and sneak past the rest.

You grab their clothes, and head down the second set of stairs avoiding the traps along the way. You make it down and fool most, finally convincing the final group you make it into the hidden vault. Figuring he'd be in there you ask for clearance, they question but you brush it off by saying that Skinny needed you. They let you in, as you head through coming across more then one group down in the old vault. You finally see someone who's at a giant glass window, looking like another one of the triggermen, as you've learned to call them. You hear them name a person called Valentine, figuring that was the guy your looking for you slowly sneaked up. You give a signal for Nick to be quiet before swiftly getting rid of the man.

He tells you that he knows the dead man, being called Dino as Nick stated, has the code to unlock his cell. As you grab the code you head over to the terminal and unlock the door to nick's cell. As you walk in he stares at you for a second before pulling out a cigar, and says "Well, I love the irony of the reverse damsel in distress scenario. Why did you come here, and how'd you know to find me?" You tell him that his secretary had told you, and for why you were there you said you don't really know at the moment. He shrugs it off and tells you it's time for the both of us to leave this dump. The more you make it to the exit, the more you bonded growing a steady relationship with the old synth detective.

Finally making it out of the vault, he looks at you and says. "Thanks for being this old detectives savior today"

The End

Word count: 841

Thank you for reading! If you want more please make some requests, but that's all. Have a great day or night readers! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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