Introductory notes

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Hello! Welcome to Betrothed; The re-write!

Now, feel free to skip this chapter if you want to get straight into the story. 

I just wanted to put this in here to establish some 'ground rules' if you will. 

So like the original Betrothed,

The reader is 15, just about to turn 16. Hiccup is obviously the same age and Dagur is 18, just about to turn 19.

I based his age off what I've read online with people speculating his age, and also based the betrothal age off what real Vikings would have been married at. Although, real Vikings got married at ages as young as 12 and we're just not going to do that are we.

Also, your dragon is still a changewing, but I changed its name to something more Viking-ish, because I figure Abscon isn't a very 'How to Train your Dragon' sort of name in relation to Hookfang, Skullcrusher etc. He is now named Ghostripper because it's metal af.

Also just as a last note, I'm not sure if I ever made it clear in the original book but reader and Hiccup are not meant to be twins. I originally intended reader to be at least 11 months older than Hiccup but scrapped this when I realised, I'd have to rearrange the ages of betrothal and stuff.

Also! This book is available to read on AO3 as well as Wattpad, so head over to the Dagur the Deranged/reader tag or look up my pseudo Last_Present to find it. 

With that, if you're still here, feel free to continue with the book!

Love y'all!



Guess who drew the book cover? That's right. Ya girl. 

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