Special Day

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The wedding bells chimes, the clear blue sky and the warm weather is a perfect day. One for making beautiful memories and special moments. Ones that will never be forgotten, especially this particular day. 

Today is the happy wedding day of Madam Ping and Soupeaterwill. Many people gathered here, such as the ghost of Reki and Childe. Many people are weeping tears of joys as one lucky man is waiting for the love of his life to appear. Whom he shall spend the rest of their days with until death.

The Piano starts playing the classical music as everyone stands up and looks towards the door. The special lady wearing all white walks down the aisle. With a bird as her guide. As she reached towards the alter the bird went to their seat and Madam Ping, to her future husband. 

The pastor, Barbara, starts sayings the holy words of marriage. 

"Ms. Ping, do you take Mr. Will as your Husband, for sickness and worse, till death do you part?" She asked. 

"I do" Madam Ping stated. 

"And do you, Mr. Will take Madam Ping as your wife, for better and for worse, for sickness and health, till death do you part?" 

"I do." Said Will.

"You may now kiss the bride." 

Both happy and cheerful, Will grabbed Ping by the waist and kissed her ever so passionately. The people cheered congraulating the newly wedded couple. Bridal carrying Mrs. Ping, Will runs out the door towards their car, where they drive off into the sunset to start a new life. 

2 Years Later 

"Mommy! How did you and daddy meet?" A child exclaimed. 

"Well, it all started when I saw selling what I usually do and talking to the traveler. Suddenly I saw a handsome young man! And, I guess you can fill in the rest." Ping said. 

"Aweee, I wanted a full story..." 

"Maybe another time, it's time to fo to bed my dear. We have a funday ahead of us tomorrow." Another voice appeared. 

"Daddy! Mommy was just telling me about how you guys met! I wanna know the rest!"

"Another time, like I said..it's time to rest." 

Though stubborn yet tired, the child complied. Both parents smiled happily towards each other. Kissing each other before they retired to their own room. 

A happy ending for everyone. 

Special Day (Soupeaterwill x Madam Ping)Where stories live. Discover now