Chapter 5 - Loki's game

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The darkness down there was pressing upon her. Loki's eyes was stuck on her and she couldn't get him to stop looking at all. She couldn't ask him either. It was only one way to win over Loki, to show that you were stronger.

In the end Sage finally managed to look up again, she looked straight into his eyes and he looked away. The look on his face hadn't changed at all. He kept walking around in his cell with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at her once more. He licked his lips before he finally spoke. "You don't need to watch me Sage, I can take care of myself." He said and almost made her laugh. She then snorted.

"Says the god in stuck in a prison." She told him back and looked at him waiting for his answer, it never came. She rolled her eyes slightly. Loki's gaze turned to her once more, but she wasn't looking at him.

Sage sighed slightly for herself, she had hoped that he would say more, but he obviously didn't wish for her to be down there at all. If not he would have given her an answer. She stood in deep thoughts for a moment while trying to decided what to do.

She decided to go back up again, she was done with him for this time. "We can go back up." She told the guard and he nodded eagerly like he couldn't wait to get away from there. Loki just moved his head slightly, to look at her, but he didn't say anything.

Together with the guard Sage disappeared out of the door to the hall and began on her way back up the stairs. She noticed Loki following her with his gaze until she was gone, but didn't bother thinking more about it.

When she finally got up, both her and the guard took a deep breath of fresh air and made eachother smile slightly. Sage thanked him and he just bowed to her before he disappered of to somewhere. Maybe to a guard he was standing, or maybe just to get himself together. Mostly everyone that had been down with Loki had to, just not Sage.

She left the castle through a sidedoor, so she didn't have to go past Odin and Frigga. Then she started to wander along the path of the garden, halfway to her house Fandral joined in on her. "Visited Loki, Lady Sage?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

Sage answered with a simple nod, and it wasn't until then she realized that her face was frowned in her deep thoughts. She hadn't noticed. "Do you have some kind of plan?" Fandral asked as they were walking, she had a feeling he would follow her all the way home.

She shook her head and let out a frustrated sigh making Fandral chuckled slightly. Normally that would have bothered her, but she didn't care righ then. "Well the only way to beat him is to outsmart him." He commented. "Think about that." He added and Sage just nodded a little, too busy with herself to realize what he just said to her.

Just then she reached her house, and Fandral gave a slight nod as some sort of goodbye. Then he disappeared of again without saying more. Sage wondered if to tell her was the only reason he had walked with her. That was when she understood.

Outsmart him. "Of course!" Sage muttered excitedly to herself. Fandral had just said one of the smartest things that would ever come out his mouth. Sage smiled slightly. He was right, the only way to beat Loki was to outsmart him, the problem was just that no one had ever done so before.

Sage frowned once more, while she finally entered her house. She changed to something simpler, and then decided to take a walk to the training arena to find Thor. She was guessing that was where he would be. She had to talk to him about the visit to Loki, and also the idea that was forming in her head.

While she was walking she wondered how to do it. How could you outsmart the outsmarter himself? He was the god of mischief and probably one of the most intelligent persons in the universe. It seemed almost impossible, still he had thought that to take over the earth was a good idea. Maybe he wasn't so smart after all.

When Sage entered the arena she saw Thor and Sif, not fighting but talking, or maybe discussing something. As Thor saw her he hurried over, leaving Sif in the backgroung. "How did it go with Loki?" He questioned and Sage wondered how he knew that she had been there.

"He didn't say much, but he never does really." She said and Thor nodded and laughed slightly. "Anyway, I was actually here to talk to you about something Fandral said. I think I have an idea about how to appeal to Loki." She said and Thor nodded once. He had put his big hammer, Mjolnir over his shoulder. Sage had for some reason always been a little afraid of it but she had never understood why.

"Yes, and what is it Lady Tyrsdottir?" He questioned and made her smile sligthly.

"Fandral said that the only way to win over him is to outsmart him, and I think that is quite a good idea." She said and made Thor smile and nod impressed maybe because it was Fandral's idea, but then he frowned and turned more serious all of a sudden.

"I guess you are right Lady Sage, but if that is your plan then I'm afraid you'll have to play Loki's game, and you can't unlesss you know how to win." He said and for once he really meant it, in every way. Thor knew how it was to play a game you could not win.

Sage smirked. She could play Loki's game, it couldn't be that hard, could it? Maybe she didn't understand what she agreed to.


Sorry I haven't updated x/ I try but I work hard on these parts and it takes time. I hope it's okay and that you're enjoying my story, thanks a lot to those who are reading :)

Jamie, xx

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