-<Chapter 1 - "Humble" Beginnings!>-

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Opening my eyes I was met with a beautiful night sky and trees that look bigger all around me somehow? Wait... checking my hands I was met with shadowy hands with no fingers what so ever "AHHH!!" I screamed but instead it was a high pitched noise I never knew I could make.

Putting my hands over my mouth 'T-that noise did I actually make that noise?' I try to think harder into the situation that just happened until an unknown voice spoke out of nowhere.
[Hello Host I am System 24798# programmed as most Systems to help aid the Host in improving their skills.] System? And what do you mean by "most" secondly. [System can not state as System can not answer due to certain commands from Higher beings.] Removing my hands from my mouth I started talking to System "Higher beings!? Actually... we can talk about this later but System what sorta creature am I even?" [Host is a Marshadow a mythical being from the hit game called "Pokémon" a game where you can catch and insla-] "Ok ok I get it! But what you're saying is I'm a being that is apparently called a Pokémon? [Affirmative]

"Okay but here's my second question. Where the h*ll am I!" [Host is currently in the "Forest Of Magic"] "Forest Of Magic? Sounds like something straight out of a fairy tale System. But then again... System tell me what this land is or world possibly..."
[The land Host is currently at is called Gensokyo and as of what world that Host resides in is Touhou Timeline number 1824#] "Okay System thanks for the information But I think I'm ready to set off to explore this Forest but... System? [Yes Host] "Do you possibly know anything that I can use to travel faster with by chance?"

[Yes for Host the fastest way possible to travel faster is using the shadows around Host to Host's disadvantage as Host needs to think their in the shadows in order to work] "Thanks for the help System" as now I close my eyes and start to think I'm in the shadows until I open them and what I see next was astonishing. I manage to be in a tree's shadow! But sadly I don't have time I do not know what this world or how powerful the beings are in this world but oh well.

With one final glance at the night sky I move in with the shadows to explore what the wilderness has to offer.
Uh. Sorry for not publishing recently my inspiration has gotten low as of late but I apologize for the lack of updates on my books until next time Readers.

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