Maisie's friends meet Balan

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Back with the kids in the park....

Tito: Hey, Lumina told me she is pregnant.

Maisie- Already ? Wow...

Jenny's head healed but her back is still sore from the impact.

Jenny- Ahh...

Spike: You okay babe?

Jenny- Yeah... But my back is still.very sore

Maisie: I see... *as she is having a vision of the future* Those agents... They're not taking me to their boss for evil.... He needs my help...

Jenny- Who's he ?

Maisie: You guys stay here, I need to see the boss. *as she leaves*

Jemny- ( Calls out )You better not get kidnapped like always ! ( Mot yet

Maisie: (calls out) They won't force me, I know I can see the future!

Jenny- Alright !

Jenny watches her go before Spike looks at her

Spike: Trying to protect her huh?

Jenny blushes pink amd crosses her arms.

Jenny- So ?!

Spike: Your tough

Jenny-( Blushed ) Of course I am.

Then they see a Tim chick plush of Balan's scooching by chirpimg

Goggles: What's that?

Snips- Awww ! The tim chirps

Wither: Strange little creature.

Samantha- Its cute !

Jenny-( Stands up ) Lets go follow it...

Everyone got up and followed the tim to a familiar old but luxurious theatre

Dice: Whoa, what's that?

Shorty- Looks like an old theatre.....

They walked inside

Porsha: Brrr, feels cold here

They see several posters of Wonderworld before they see a tall hatted silhouette

Snips: Who is that?

???- Huh ?

He looks at them and smirks

They are confused*

???- Hello.... Amd welcome !!!

Them the figure reveals himself to be Balan

They are shocked*

Balan grinned at them as he bowed and stood back up

Troy: Whoa! Cake: Holy moly!

Balam-( Smiles ) I see my Tim has lead you to me

Jenny- Tim ?

The same plushie appears chirping and gets on Balam's head.

Porsha- Who are you ?

???- Who ? Me ?

They quickly turned around and see Balan behind them

They jumped*

Balan-( Smiles ) I am Balan ! A famous Maestro of my Theatre amd a living balance of positivity !

Wither: Wow! Rime came out*

Smips-( Pets her ) Awe ! Pretty fox!

Balan- Her name is Rime ! Now......

Balan zoomed around them loolimg at each and every ome of them.

Balan- Exttaordinary... Unique...

He zoomed over to Samantha and politely kisses her hamd

Samantha giggles*

Balan zoomed over and spun Priscilla , Porsha , and Lucky

Lucky: Oh!

Porsha giggles as well as Priscilla as Balan examines the boys messing their bangs , poking their horns , playing with their tails in curiosity

Nights looks

Balan- Honey those kids are all so unique ! Where can we get more kids ?!

Nights: Oh *giggles*

Blaze: A jester?

Balan: She's my wife Nights ! She's a jester humanoid called a Nightmaren !

Ary: Ooh!

Balan- Honey can we keep these kids ?!

Tito: We have parents senor.

Balan-( Giggles ) I know that. He lets go of Tito.

Blaze- Where did you come from ?

Balan froze in shock amd turned around

Balan- Oh.. That's an.... Vulgar question. Whem a Mommy Entity and a Daddy Entity love each other VERY much , they decided to m--

Fenrir: No no where do you came from?

Balan- My Wonderworld of course !

Zell: Wonder world?

Balan- Yep ! My home !

Nights: Honey, maybe they should meet our adopted daughter.

Balan- Oh ! Adlynne ! Where is she npw ?

????: Right here daddy.

They look and see a small Hispanic little girl around 4 wearing a long sleeved purple dress

Snips: Awwwww!

Balan- Dearest where have you been ?

Adlynne: I was helping the Tims

Balan- Kods this is my adopted daughter and my SPECIAL little 4 year old little girls , Adlynne

Shrimp: Hi.

Adlynne gasped and hides behind Balan's legs

Muskrat: We won't hurt you.

Night Thug: If course not.

Adlynne lools

Adlynne smiles*

Nights: Let us show you kids around

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