Drag me to hell part three last part

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Where we left off

Kc hello?


L fucking hell

Kc whispers L


Kc wait why do you sound shock

L because you WHAT

kc shhh the boys are sleeping 
L the boys?!?!

Kc josh and Seth

L yeah the boys I know but hold on I need a minute

L I just went to hell and back and heard y'all died for me when I almost died for you guys

L are Sam and colby okay

Kc yes everyone's fine we all thought you were dead Seth literally cried for 4 hours straight before he literally passed out

L seth

Kc he's okay well he will be when your back in his arms because all he wanted was you all I wanted was you all josh wanted was you all Sam wanted was you all Colby wanted was you this house was shook to it's core the moment you ran out that cave

L I did it for you guys

Kc hugs her

Kc and were so happy your okay

Kc you must be exhausted

L yeah I am

Kc just go to yours and Seth's room in the morning I'll send him in there fair warning he may tackle you

L I know goodnight

Kc goodnight and welcome home

L thanks

12:30 pm

Seth finally gets up

Seth don't talk to me unless your dying

Seth I'm not in the mental state to talk to anyone

Josh there food on the stove

Kc hey Seth uh Sam and Colby came by early this morning and left something on your bed

Seth I'll look at it later

Kc no they said for you to look at it like as soon as you woke up that it was something to do with L

Seth okay

Kc starts recording  for L's vlog

Seth walks in where

Kc they said under the blankets

Seth god there werid

Seth uncovers L

Seth L baby girl

L hey baby

Kc uh Seth

Seth hold on

He falls on his knees  and starts crying

L baby

Josh comes to the room

Josh Seth

L hey Josh

Josh L!!!!

L runs to Seth

And tackles him to the ground

Seth hugs her and cry's in her shoulder

Kc aww

They lay there forever it felt like

Seth fell asleep in her arms

She just layed there playing with his soft long brown hair every once a while she would kiss him

Kc you good

L I'm great

Kc you know if you move he will follow right you could go to bed

L no I'm content he's content everything's content

Kc okay

Soon she falls asleep

Josh walks bye and takes a picture and captions it

Just her and her best friend asleep in the hallway

Jakewebber:aww 🥰

Samcolbach she's back

Colbybrock hate to say it but there my new favorite couple

Exploringwithjosh what about me and kc

Colbybrock you guys are second

Exploringwithjosh okay fine

Tarayummy for real they are truly made for each other 🥺❤️

A couple hours later they wake them up for pasta with Sam and Colby

Seth mine

He hugs her

Sam it's clear someone missed you

L yes very

They eat and then fall asleep

Seth and L barley make it to bed

Seth doesn't L leave L side all night

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