96 3 2

11:40 PM / DEC 31 XXXX
Lungmen, Jaye's Seafood Bar

Persha: сенсационный! This beer from Lungmen got quite of a kick!

Kagami: [sighs] Oh forgive me terra... Slow down the drinking dear.

Hoshiguma: Aww come on Kagami, at least she gets drunk only once in a year.

Kagami: I have to disagree on that.

Hoshiguma: ?

Kagami: For over a year, she gets drunk 20 times and she got three absent attendance at work.

Hoshiguma: Wow she's very close on my record.

Persha: Oh hush you two, at least try to enjoy drinking for once in a while you stoic Oni.

Hoshiguma: Couples.

[Footsteps incoming]

Jaye: Here's your Temaki's, Kilawing Tanguigue, Hitsumabushi, Jiao Yan You Yu, and the rest of the order will be served in a few minutes.

Hoshiguma: Oh thanks, Jaye.

Myrax: How long will my order be done?

Jaye: Your Risotto nero di seppia will be done and served well after their orders.

Myrax: I see, and my daughter's?

Jaye: her special requested order Ukha will also be served together with yours sir.

Kiana: Mr.Jaye, No need to be so formal around my dad.

Kiana: But anyway, since when did your bar have its grand opening?

Jaye: Oh? That's a good question I might say.

Jaye: I'd say this business started about 2 weeks ago, and Miss Hoshiguma became my first customer in line.

Hoshiguma: Well of course! as long there is good alcohol then it's an everyday routine for me to come here after my shift.

Kagami: This place... Used to be a trash dump.

Kagami: Nonetheless, some people never wanted this space due to the unpleasant smell and look before.

Jaye: I agree.

Jaye: But with enough savings and preparations, this place in a year will be under my authority and I am planning on opening another one if things go skyrocket.

Persha: That's a big dream with a big effort to achieve.

Hoshiguma: You've also improved a lot on your culinary skills over the years working with Rhodes island.

Jaye: It's all thanks to you Madam Hoshiguma, if it weren't you who bought me to Rhodes then I wouldn't be able to improve well and opened this shop alone in the open streets of Lungmen.

Hoshiguma: Well you're very welcome Jaye.

Jaye: Anyways, I'll be heading back to the kitchen and serve the remaining orders.

[Jaye going back to the kitchen]

Hoshiguma: So Myrax tell us more about your daughter! We haven't heard much about her.

Myrax: Well of course, although she's a shy one meeting new people still she is always honest towards anyone she speaks with.

Kiana: D-dad that's quite embarrassing to tell.

Myrax: haha... Overcoming something you don't like can be possible dear Kiana.

Myrax: I myself have been also in this situation back in my prime, for one's look is very serious but shy to speak its own answers.

Myrax: It takes a lot patience to earn one's trust and to overcome the things halting your path.

Persha: You almost sound like this stoic Oni here.

Kagami: Ehem.

Persha: What? at least he's not that of a straight face than you.

Kagami: I highly doubt that.

Myrax: A lot has changed on you too brother, if I may be able to compare the present and the past then it's that your family changed you to be a better man. 

Kagami: ...I guess your right brother.

Kagami: Even Rhodes changed their approach over time.

Persha: Well that's because of that straight face of yours.

Persha: What about you and Kiana? It's been more than three years since you both are together.

Kiana: Yes indeed sir kagami and being with Rhodes on the first day was quite the struggle to fit in on the community. But with my dad's guidance, I had been able to get along well with Rhodes island as well as miss Yuuki. 

Myrax: That's great to hear dear.

Hoshiguma: Your turning 20 this next year right?

Kiana: Of course miss Hoshiguma, my birthday will be around the next six months so I can't myself to get excited. 

Myrax: You remind me of how little you were back in the past, you used to drag me out of bed early to see the beautiful sunrise.

[Foot steps incoming] 

Jaye: Here's all of your orders Koshin family and madam Hoshiguma.

Jaye: Myrax and Kiana's order will be served shortly.

Kiana: Thanks, Mr.Jaye.

Jaye: No need to, it's what I do for a living now thanks to Rhodes and madam Hoshi. 

Jaye: Oh I almost forgot to bring another set of alcohol for you guys.

Kagami: You got imported ones?

Jaye: As a matter of fact, yes I do.

Jaye: I ordered fewer imported beers and wines from Higashi and Ursus with enough budget saved over the week of income. 

Hoshiguma: Kiana is allowed to have her first drink right?

Myrax: Well... we've talked about it a year ago and yes I am giving her my permission to drink occasionally. 

Kiana: Yay thanks, dad!

[Door slides and bell rings]

Waai Fu: Hey Jaye! 

Jaye: Oh hey Waai Fu, and I see you bought the team along with you.

Hung: Well Mr.Lee and her agreed to celebrate the new year here.

Lee: That's correct. 

Hung: Also he's paying this time.

Jaye: Alright then, your table will be next to Madam Hoshiguma and Hung I'll be needing a little assistance over the kitchen. 

Kiana: ...

Myrax: What's wrong dear?...

Myrax: You seemed to be spacing out...

Kiana: Oh it's nothing...  

Kiana: A burden from the past can be inevitable.

Myrax: The past can be forgotten for a good change even if it's inevitable, but still it takes time to overcome those burdens.

Myrax: For now, let's celebrate this special day together.

Kiana: ... 

Kiana: [Smile] Of course dad.

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